Note: The Banshees do not claim to be a 1% club.
Banshees MC History
Banshees Motorcycle Club was founded in Spring 1966 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
The 1983 shooting of a member of the Bandidos by a Banshee member saw planned revenge attacks, said to have been orchestrated by Bandidos El Presidente Ronald Jerome Hodge. See the “Crimes” section below for further details of these attacks.
In November 1989 Banshees Germany was founded in Fürth, Germany.
Banshees MC Patch / Motto / Colors
The Banshees patch uses very unique red color font on a white background. The Grim Reaper (also known as “Death”) is wearing a gold robe and riding a motorcycle, with just the ape-hangers and front light visible.
“M.C. N.O.L.A.”, referring to the clubs founding in New Orleans, is visible on the bottom of the patch. The N.O.L.A lettering remains on the patch and is worn even by the members based in Germany.
The Banshees also use the acronym of “BFFB”, which stands for “Banshees Forever, Forever Banshees”. This style of acronym is extremely common and used by almost all outlaw motorcycle clubs.
Banshees MC Chapters
Banshees MC have a presence both in the USA as well as in Germany.
- Banshees USA Chapters
- Banshees Alabama chapter
- Banshees Arkansas chapter
- Banshees Denton chapter, Texas
- Banshees Dallas chapter, Texas
- Banshees Mississippi chapter
- Banshees New Orleans chapter, Louisiana (Mother Chapter)
- Banshees North Texas chapter
- Banshees South Louisiana chapter
- Banshees Texarkana chapter, Texas
- Banshees Germany
Famous Banshees MC Members
There are no famous members in Banshees MC in the celebrity sense.
Banshees MC Crime / In The Media
1983 – 30 April, 1983. A member of Banshees MC is believed to have shot Bandidos MC member Jon K. Batchelor in a fight near Houston, killing him. This shooting then triggers revenge attacks.
1983 – 5 May, 1983. The day after the funeral of the man killed in the 30 April attacks the Bandidos National Officers hold a meeting led by El’ Presidente Ronnie Hodge. They begin discussing plans for retaliation on the members of Banshees MC, advising his men to begin gathering intelligence on Banshee members. Over the month that followed they begin tracking the movements of members, as well as collecting unregistered weapons and set up a safe house location in Texas where Bandidos members could gather in the event that law enforcement begin looking for them.
1983 – 13 June, 1983. A meeting of the Bandidos is held and maps of the Texarkana area where there is a Banshees clubhouse are distributed to some of those present. Also distributed are photographs of several members of the Banshees.
1983 – 5 July, 1983. In the early hours of 5 July Bandidos MC member Joe Edward Benavides places a bomb underneath a van owned by a Banshees member, while Bandido Crandle Phillip Lamonte Presnel stands guard with a MAC-10 machine gun. Bandido John Randal Hanson places a bomb next to the gas meter at the house of Banshee member Robert Clinton Hinkle, while Bandido Dale Lynn Brewer (Houston Leaf Chapter President) stands guard with a MAC-10 machine gun. The bombs both go off as planned, however although there is some damage caused nobody is seriously injured. The attack on the Banshees Texarkana clubhouse never proceeds.
1988 – 31 March, 1988. 23 Bandidos Motorcycle Club members are indicted in relation to the 1983 Banshees bombings, 16 end up going to trial. Bandidos members John Randal Hanson, Shirley (Longview Chapter President) and Adams Otis Fisher turn witnesses.
2003 – 10 January, 2003. The dismembered body of Banshees North Texas chapter member Lawrence William Cook, along with the body of Sheila Kirby is found in a plastic box floating in Bayou Cocodrie, near Evangeline-Rapides parish line in Louisiana. He had a number of outstanding warrants at the time of finding his body, including one for allegedly stealing a police motorcycle. Banshee member Larry “Lost Larry” Suratt and his partner Cindy Renee “Lost Bitch” Anderson are charged with the murders.
Banshees MC Books / Movies / TV
No books specifically written about Banshees MC are available for us to recommend.
Instead you may be interested in viewing our list of outlaw motorcycle club books.
Banshees MC Enemies and Allies
Banshees MC enemies:
Banshees MC allies:
- Ghostriders MC (USA)
- Golden Drakes MC (Germany)
- Gremium MC
- Iron Horses MC (Germany)
- Night Wings MC (Germany)
- Razorback MC (Germany)
- Zombies Elite MC (Germany)
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