There is also a Coffin Cheaters Motorcycle Club founded in California in the 1960’s, however they are not related to this club.
Coffin Cheaters MC History
Coffin Cheaters Motorcycle Club were founded in Perth, Western Australia, in 1971.
In 1999 the club joined with another club using the Coffin Cheaters name, who were based in Victoria.
In 2004 the motorcycle club expanded to Norway, where they patched over the Forbidden Few Motorcycle Club (who were a previous merger between Craftsmen MC and Wild Wheels MC).
Coffin Cheaters MC Clubhouse Bayswater Western Australia
Coffin Cheaters MC Patch / Motto
The Coffin Cheaters patch is a winged gladiator helmet.
The Coffin Cheaters colors are red and yellow/gold.
Coffin Cheaters MC Chapters
Below are some of the known locations of the Coffin Cheaters Motorcycle Club chapters. The actual names of the chapters may however vary from those listed below.
- Coffin Cheaters MC Australia
- Coffin Cheaters Bayswater, Western Australia Chapter
- Coffin Cheaters Dandenong, Victoria Chapter
- Coffin Cheaters Geraldton, Western Australia Chapter
- Coffin Cheaters Morwell, Victoria Chapter
- Coffin Cheaters (Sinners) Braeside, Victoria
- Coffin Cheaters Warragul, Victoria Chapter
- Coffin Cheaters West Coast Freemantle, Western Australia Chapter
- Coffin Cheaters MC Norway
- Coffin Cheaters Arendal Chapter
- Coffin Cheaters Eidsvoll Chapter
- Coffin Cheaters Gjovik Chapter
- Coffin Cheaters Lillestrom Chapter (Norway Mother Chapter)
- Coffin Cheaters Mid County Chapter
Famous Coffin Cheaters MC Members
Troy Mercanti – Former Coffin Cheater, Finks MC Perth President
A notorious former member of the Coffin Cheaters Motorcycle Club is Troy Mercanti. He famously left the Coffin Cheaters to start a Perth Chapter of the Finks MC. This move created significant tension between the clubs and ultimately resulted in a battle that occurred in October 2010. Read more about this event further below in the Crime/In The Media section.
Troy Mercanti was also involved in well publicised domestic assault and fraud cases.
Coffin Cheaters MC Crime / In The Media
- 1989 – The Coffin Cheaters joined up with Club Deroes MC, Gypsy Jokers MC and Gods Garbage MC to force the Mongrel Mob street gang out of Perth, Western Australia. Events in this battle included the bombing with 2kg of gelignite of a metalwork shop owned by the Mongrel Mob, which was retaliation after a Gypsy Jokers MC tattoo shop was bombed earlier. Several police raids occurred which resulted in charges being laid on members from various clubs. The end result was that the Mongrel Mob was forced out of the area.
- October 2010 – The creation of the Finks MC Perth chapter by Troy Mercanti, who left the Coffin Cheaters, had the result of causing tension between the clubs, to the point where there was a fight in the Perth Motorplex on the weekend of 2nd-3rd October 2010. The two clubs were attending the Harley Street Bike Drag Racing event where it is claimed that one club member spat on a rival. One of the Finks MC members, David Marrapodi, was shot in the leg and another, Stephen Wallace, had three fingers sliced off. A third man had serious head wounds.
- 2011 – Police order the club to remove fortification from their Coffin Cheaters Bayswater clubhouse.
- 2016 – 14 June, 2016. The Coffin Cheaters clubhouse in Bunbury is raided by police along with two private residences believed to be lived in by people related to the club. Knuckledusters as well prohibited drugs were seized. One person was charged with possession of prohibited drugs with intent to sell or supply.
Coffin Cheaters MC clubhouse Bunbury
Coffin Cheaters MC Enemies and Allies
- The Coffin Cheaters Motorcycle Club are enemies with the New Zealand founded Mongrel Mob, after the Mongrel Mob attempted to expand into the Coffin Cheaters territory in Western Australia in the late 1980’s. The Mongrel Mob are best described as a street gang, rather than a motorcycle gang, although some of their members ride Harley Davidson and other branded motorcycles.
- The Coffin Cheaters Motorcycle Club are enemies with the Finks MC. This rivalry came after a member of the Coffin Cheaters, Troy Mercanti, left to start a Western Australia chapter of the Finks MC.
- The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club are allies.
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