One Percenter Bikers

Dirty Ones MC (Motorcycle Club)

Dirty Ones MC patch logo-1000x500

Dirty Ones MC are an outlaw motorcycle club founded in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York in the 1960s.

Dirty Ones Motorcycle Club History

The Dirty Ones MC were founded in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York in 1960s in the form of a street gang. A member by the name of “Che” was the Founding President of the club.

They are believed to have transitioned into a motorcycle club using a Grim Reaper patch from around 1974, making their founding date and location very similar to that of the Unknown Bikers MC.

The name of the “Dirty Ones” was given to them by the Satan Souls.

Dirty Ones Motorcycle Club Patch / Motto / Colors

The patch used by the Dirty Ones MC has the Grim Reaper in the center wearing a red hooded cloak. The Grim Reaper is holding a scythe in one hand. Behind the Grim Reaper are two pistons and a green Iron Cross in the background.

The colors used by the Dirty Ones are green and white.

Dirty Ones MC use the motto D.O.F.F.D.O, which stands for Dirty Ones Forever, Forever Dirty Ones. This style of motto is extremely common amongst outlaw motorcycle clubs.

Dirty Ones MC patch logo
Dirty Ones MC patch logo

Dirty Ones Motorcycle Club Chapters

The Dirty Ones Motorcycle Club have chapters mainly in the Northeast of the United States, however in more recent years have expanded internationally.

Dirty Ones MC clubhouse Sunset Park, Queens, New York
Dirty Ones MC clubhouse Sunset Park, Queens, New York
Dirty Ones MC clubhouse Mother House Brooklyn New York

Famous Dirty Ones MC Members

There are no famous members of the Dirty Ones Motorcycle Club, at least in a celebrity sense.

Dirty Ones MC Crime / In The Media

2012 – October, 2012. In October 2010 ATF agent Thomas Kalogiros starts working with a member of the Forbidden Ones MC who has turned a criminal informant in exchange for payment. The informant arranges the sale of guns to undercover ATF and New York City Police Department members by members of the Forbidden Ones MC, the Trouble Makers MC and Dirty Ones MC. It is discovered that the informant has a significant criminal record, including three felony convictions for burglary, grand larceny and escape. The operation was captured on both audio and video and included the sale of two AK-47 assault rifles, armor-piercing ammunition, and other high-caliber weapons, including a Tec-9 9mm assault pistol; a Kel Tech 9mm folding rifle; a Taurus .410 caliber revolver, known as the “Public Defender-The Judge;” and a .243 caliber rifle with night vision scope, among others. 8 men are arrested in connection with the operation.

2015 – 17 October, 2015. Suffolk County Police make 11 arrests of members of the Pagans MC, Dirty Ones MC, Steel Wheels MC, Black Sheep MC and Armored Saints MC in Lindenhurst, Long Island, New York at a fundraiser event being held by the Pagans Motorcycle Club at Duffy’s Ale House. Five handguns, a rifle, a shotgun, marijuana, cocaine, crystal meth, a billy club and three vehicles are seized. Those arrested were:

Dirty Ones MC Duffys Ale House Long Island New York

Dirty Ones MC Books / Movies / TV

There are no books that we are aware of that are specifically written about the Dirty Ones Motorcycle Club.

A YouTube clip of the very early days when the Dirty Ones were a street gang. Low quality video:

Dirty Ones Motorcycle Club Enemies and Allies

The Dirty Ones Motorcycle Club enemies:

The Dirty Ones Motorcycle Club allies:

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