One Percenter Bikers

Lone Wolf MC (Motorcycle Club)

Lone Wolf MC patch logo-1200x600

Lone Wolf MC patch logo-1200x600

Lone Wolf MC are a one percenter motorcycle club founded in Australia in 1971 by Sy Allsep.

Note that there are many people who identify themselves as being a “Lone Wolf”, a term used to describe someone who generally acts alone. These people are not the topic of this article. There are also riders clubs founded in Canada as well as Atlanta by the name of “Lone Wolf Motorcycle Club”, they have no relation to the club discussed in this article.

Lone Wolf Motorcycle Club History

The Lone Wolf Motorcycle club were founded in Australia by Sy Allsep. The club were founded in 1971, with their 40th anniversary being held in 2011.

Sy Allsep (Stephen Charles Allsep) was the owner of Sy’s Harley-Davidson on Blaxland Road, Campbelltown, located in the state of New South Wales. Sy Allsep died on 20 January, 2015 from cancer, with his funeral held at the Gledswood Homestead, Catherine Field. The last decades of his life were spent delivering meals to the elderly as part of the charity Meals on Wheels and flying his DeHaviland Beaver aircraft.

Lone Wolf has a diverse membership, including many Pacific Islander and Middle Eastern members.

Throughout the second half of 2014 a war erupted between the Lone Wolf Motorcycle Club and Rebels MC.

The club expanded into Western Australia in around 2014, opening a chapter in Perth.

Lone Wolf Motorcycle Club Patch / Motto / Colors

The patch used by the Lone Wolf Motorcycle Club has a snarling wolf in the center. They are a traditional 3 piece club, with Lone Wolf on the top rocker and Australia as the location on the bottom rocker. Their location rocker typically doesn’t provide any location information other than the country.

Lone Wolf MC patch logo
Lone Wolf MC patch logo

Lone Wolf Motorcycle Club Chapters

The Lone Wolf Motorcycle Club have over a dozen chapters throughout Australia, including a strong presence in New South Wales where they have many connections on the mid and north coast, and at times have had a strong presence in Queensland.

Some of the club’s chapters include:

Lone Wolf MC clubhouse Bringelly NSW

Famous Lone Wolf MC Members

There are no famous members of the Lone Wolf Motorcycle Club, at least in a celebrity sense.

Lone Wolf MC Crime / In The Media

2007 – 19 July, 2007. There are a series of police raids where weapons including knives, swords and a revolver, cash and an illicit drug lab were seized. 7 men with connections to the Lone Wolf Motorcycle Club are arrested in Lismore and Sydney. One of the Lismore arrests is believed to be a President within the club. Police allege that the club are involved in the manufacture of drugs in Sydney which are then trafficked in northern New South Wales. The police operation, which had been titled Strike Force Tungarra was launched in May 2006 targeted the supply of amphetamines and ecstasy by the Lone Wolf Lismore chapter.

Lone Wolf MC clubhouse Lismore, New South Wales

2007 – 3 November, 2007. Lone Wolf members Aaron Drew Scheers and Benjamin James Dehnen kidnap Currumbin, Queensland man David Holmes from his home. He is taken to the Currumbin rock pools where the pair accuse him of stealing $40,000 which was given to him to purchase drugs. On 6 April, 2009 the pair plead guilty to charges of kidnapping, assault, and intent to disfigure.

2012 – In 2012 legislation was passed in Australia to ban entry to anyone showing patches, jewellery or any other items representing the following outlaw motorcycle clubs:

2012 – 4 January, 2012. Lone Wolf member Neal Todorovski is murdered in San Souci, Sydney by Tarek Abdallah, shooting him a total of 6 times. A number of people witnessed the murder, including a mother and her child. Tarek Abdallah is sentenced to a maximum of 26 years in jail for the crime.

2012 – 4 April, 2012. Police perform 13 dawn raids in Coffs Harbour, Toormina, Sawtell and Middle Boambee. 12 people associated with the Lone Wolf are arrested and charged with a number of offences relating to drugs and violence. The raids were the conclusion of a 15 month operation by police Strike Force Oriental and they believe that the arrests made will have effectively shut down a significant drug distribution network in the northern New South Wales coastal area.

2014 – 16 April, 2014. A member of Lone Wolf is shot in the leg in Homebush West, Sydney. Police attended the scene and found blood, however the victim was not at the scene. The victim of the shooting was later identified after attending a hospital to have the injuries attended to. Police then charge him with concealing a serious indictable offence.

2014 – 23 April, 2014. There is a brawl between the Lone Wolf MC and Rebels MC at a cafe on Burwood Road, located in Burwood, Sydney. Up to 30 men are involved in the fight. A bystander waiting at a bus stop is unintentionally injured after being hit in the head by a flying bottle. It is suspected that the fight began as the result of the Rebels MC recently moving into a clubhouse on Burwood Road and decided to be seen openly at the cafe in traditional Lone Wolf territory. Lone Wolf member Yusef Zazlioglu was charged with affray. Rebels Liverpool chapter Sergeant At Arms Khaldoun Al Majid was charged with two counts of affray. Also arrested were Rebels Liverpool member Tyson Akosfalvi and Rebels members Antonio Kutlesa and Lyheng Mario Mel.

2014 – 24 August, 2014. At approximately 5:30am members of Rebels MC stab three members of the Lone Wolf at a brothel in Tweed Heads, a town located near the border where New South Wales meets Queensland.

2014 – 27 August, 2014. The phone calls and messages of Lone Wolf National Sergeant At Arms Joshua Battah are intercepted by police. The intercepts detail threats made towards a police informant which were uncovered as part of an ongoing police investigation into commercial drug trafficking as well as the claim of “knowingly direct activities of a criminal group”. The claim is that he allegedly supplied over one kilogram of amphetamines, along with quantities of heroin and cocaine to a police informant between May 8 and August 7, 2014. The drugs had an estimated street value of around $100,000. One of the Blackberry messages read “If your not home in 1hr, I’m burning your house down. make sure your there. I want everything back”. The informant was directed to collect a number of weapons from Sydney, however instead contacted police. On 28 August there is a drive-by shooting of a house in Toowoon Bay. Hours later Joshua Battah is arrested on 16 charges for drugs, weapons and proceeds of crime offences in Budgewoi, located on the Central Coast of New South Wales.

2014 – 29 August, 2014. Two members of Rebels MC are arrested in Byron Bay, New South Wales after they are found during a vehicle search to be armed with machetes. The pair were believed to be armed in response to the fight with Lone Wolf MC that had occurred the previous weekend.

2014 – 3 September, 2014. Police raid the Thornlie, Western Australia chapter Lone Wolf clubhouse. No further details about the raid were made public.

2014 – 4 December, 2014. Police Operation Mike Crimson dismantles an alleged anabolic steroid ring in the Sunshine Coast area of Queensland. A supplement store owner along with three other men are arrested. All are believed to be associated with the Lone Wolf Motorcycle Club Morayfield chapter. Police seized an estimated total of $1.6 million worth of steroids and performance enhancing drugs including 114 bottles of injectable steroids, human growth hormones (HGH) and 3008 oral steroid tablets. The four men were charged with a total of 41 drug charges including possession of dangerous drugs, possession of a restricted drug, failing to dispose of a syringe and obstructing police.

2015 – 20 February, 2015. Police in Perth, Western Australia perform a number of raids. 1.3kg of methamphetamine and almost $800,000 in cash were seized as part of the raids. Four men were arrested including the Perth Lone Wolf President and Sergeant At Arms on charges alleging drug possession, drug dealing and possessing of stolen or unlawfully obtained property.

2015 – April, 2015. Lone Wolf member Benjamin Skey Black is arrested on the Sunshine Coast, located in Queensland, on charges relating to the possession of 350 methamphetamine pills, as well as a gun, knife, ice pick, knuckledusters and cable ties which were located during a search of a vehicle that he was travelling in. Also located in the search were the photos of two members of the Rebels MC. He is alleged to identify himself as a “Rebels Hunter”, referring to Rebels MC, a known enemy of the Lone Wolf. Although he had Lone Wolf tattoos, he denied being a member of the club.

2015 – 8 December, 2015. Police are called to a house in Hoxton Park, New South Wales after it is reported that residents were being assaulted by armed men. In June, 2016 police report that they had arrested two members of the Lone Wolf Motorcycle Club for the assault.

2016 – 1 June, 2016. Around 9:15am the Lone Wolf clubhouse in Toormina, Coffs Harbour, New South Wales is raided by local police along with members of the police Strike Force Raptor. In addition to the search of the clubhouse there were warrants executed at two different homes connected to the club. One man was charged with ongoing supply of a prohibited drug (methamphetamine), six counts of supplying a prohibited drug (in an indictable quantity), two counts of possessing a prohibited drug, and participation in a criminal group.

2016 – August, 2016. A house in Mackay, Queensland is raided by four men and a woman connected to the Lone Wolf MC. The owner of the house was believed to be a former nominee of the Lone Wolf in Sydney, however after being in the club for several months decided that he no longer wished to be a member and moved his family to Queensland. Upon leaving the club it is claimed that he owed approximately $20,000 and had not returned club patches. During the time of the raid the man was not home, however his wife and children were. After police were called the group of people left the property, however it was later discovered that a number of items were missing from the house, included dozens of items of gold jewellery.

2016 – 26 October, 2016. Lone Wolf National President Erkan Keskin, who holds dual Turkish and Australian citizenship, is charged with drug trafficking by the Crime and Corruption Commission as the result of an ice trafficking investigation. Bail was denied after law enforcement became aware that Keskin was reportedly discussing leaving the country as well as the possibility that witness intimidation may come into play.

Lone Wolf Motorcycle Club Enemies and Allies

Lone Wolf Motorcycle Club enemies:

Lone Wolf Motorcycle Club allies:

Lone Wolf MC Books / Movies / TV

There are no books that we are aware of that are specifically written about the Lone Wolf Motorcycle Club.

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