This club should not be confused with Devils Breed MC or The Breed MC, who are unrelated.
Lost Breed MC History
The Lost Breed Motorcycle Club were founded in Nelson, New Zealand in 1976.
One of the biggest moments for Lost Breed came in 1979 when 21 of their members were arrested after a fight broke out with rival club Highway 61.
In New Zealand the Lost Breed are one of the clubs that are part of “The Alliance”, which is a group of clubs that have come together. At present this alliance consists of Outcasts, the Epitaph Riders, the Forty-Fives, the Southern Vikings, Satan’s Slaves, Sinn Fein, Nelson, the Lone Legion and Lost Breed.
In 2009 the Red Devils Motorcycle Club (an affiliate club of the Hells Angels), began their operations in the Nelson, New Zealand area. This move provided an opportunity for the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club to force out the Lost Breed.
As at mid 2015 it was estimated that the Lost Breed had a total of 11 patched and prospect members.
In December, 2015 the last of the Lost Breed Motorcycle Club patched over to Hells Angels MC.
Lost Breed MC Patch / Motto / Colors
The Lost Breed Motorcycle Club patch consists of three skulls, behind them are feathers in the colors of red, black and green.
Lost Breed MC Chapters
The Lost Breed chapters were focussed around the Nelson area of New Zealand. They did not have any chapters based internationally.
Famous Lost Breed MC Members
Lost Breed Motorcycle Club does not have any famous members in a celebrity sense.
Lost Breed MC Crime / In The Media
1979 – At the 1979 Nelson Mardi Gras event the Lost Breed clash with members of Highway 61 from Wellington. 4 members are injured and 21 Lost Breed members and associates are arrested.
1997 – May, 1997. Lost Breed Vice President Guy Henman is shot and killed in the Lud Valley, which is located near the town of Nelson.
1998 – February 14, 1998. The Lost Breed clubhouse on Haven Road in Nelson comes under attack by a car bomb.
2009 – April, 2009. The Lost Breed spokesman Rick Sanders publicly speaks out about the club’s anti-meth stance and also his concerns about growing tensions in the Nelson, New Zealand area after other clubs have started entering the scene, including the Red Devils MC (a Hells Angels affiliated club).
Lost Breed MC Books / Movies / TV
While there is a not a dedicated Lost Breed Motorcycle Club book, they are mentioned in the following books:
Lost Breed Book – Patched: The History of Gangs in New Zealand by Jarrod Gilbert. Find out more on Amazon (link opens in a new tab).
Lost Breed MC Enemies and Allies
Lost Breed MC enemies:
- Highway 61 are enemies.
- Fourth Riech are enemies.
Lost Breed MC allies:
- Outcasts MC
- Epitaph Riders
- Forty-Fives
- Southern Vikings
- Satans Slaves
- Sinn Fein
- Lone Legion
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