One Percenter Bikers

Satans Slaves MC (Motorcycle Club)

Satans Slaves MC Patch Logo-1360x680

Satans Slaves MC is a one percenter motorcycle club founded in Shipley, England some time around 1967.

There was also a Satans Slaves Motorcycle Club founded in California in the early 1960’s, which had a chapter in San Fernando Valley and was then patched over by the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club on New Years Day of 1978. It is unclear if this club had any associations with the one mentioned in this article.

Satans Slaves MC Patch Logo

Satans Slaves MC Patch Logo

Satans Slaves MC History

Satans Slaves Motorcycle Club was founded in Shipley, England some time around 1967.

The first chapter to open was the Satans Slaves Shipley chapter, followed by the Devon chapter and then the East Coast chapter.

In 1985 three friends from Dundee, Scotland, joined the Satans Slaves Fife chapter as prospects. After becoming fully patched members they then went on to create the Satans Slaves Tayside chapter, along with some other existing members of the club. The Tayside chapter opened in October, 1986.

In 2004 the motorcycle club expanded into Germany, opening the Gronau chapter, followed shortly after by the Velbert chapter. In 2007 they then went on to open the Metelen chapter.

Satans Slaves MC Patch / Motto / Colors

There are a number of slight variations of the Satans Slaves patch, however the central focus is on a skull, with the number 13 written on the forehead, black and red hair and 2 torches coming out of the top of the skull.

The Satans Slaves use an abbreviation of “SFFS”, which stands for “Slaves Forever, Forever Slaves”. This style of abbreviation is very common amongst outlaw motorcycle clubs.

Satans Slaves MC Chapters

The Satans Slaves Motorcycle Club are predominately based in England, but also have a a presence in Scotland and are also growing in Germany.

Some of the following chapters operate as the Demons Motorcycle Club.

Satans Slaves MC Clubhouse Devon – Entryway to the clubhouse.

Famous Satans Slaves MC Members

It is not believed that the Satans Slaves Motorcycle Club have any famous members.

Satans Slaves MC Crime / In The Media

1983 – 24 Satans Slaves are in a fight with the 6 members from the Road Rats Motorcycle Club at a Hells Angels sponsored event in Cookham, England. It is believed that the fight started over women. Two Road Rats members were killed in the brawl. Guns, axes, knives, baseball bats and lead filled handlebars were found at the scene by police.

2005 – June, 2005. The band Black Label Society created band merchandise which looked very similar to biker vests, complete with rockers. As fans were wearing their vests in the Manchester area, as there was an upcoming concert, it is believed that members of Satans Slaves Motorcycle Club intimidated them, possibly because they believed that there was a different club in their area. The band decided to cancel their Manchester show. The band continued to manufacture these vests and have since experienced more issues from other motorcycle clubs.

Satans Slaves MC Black Label Society Vest

Satans Slaves MC Books / Movies / TV

Books such as “The One Percenter Encyclopedia” make mention of the Satans Slaves, however not in any significant detail.

Satans Slaves MC Book The One Percenter Encyclopedia Bill Hayes

Satans Slaves MC Enemies and Allies

Satans Slaves MC enemies:

Satans Slaves MC allies:

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