Road Runners MC (Motorcycle Club)
There are a number of motorcycle clubs who use the name “Road Runners”, many of which use the logo of the “Road Runner” character from the Looney Tunes cartoon Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner. These clubs are unrelated to the one discussed in this article.
Road Runners Motorcycle Club History
The Road Runners Motorcycle Club was founded by Miroslaw “Miro” Stefanczyk in the Silesia region of Poland in 1978 around 40km south of Sosnowca. They were one of the first, if not the first, outlaw motorcycle clubs in the country. The Silesia region is in the southwest of Poland bordering Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Originally the club was known as “VC”, standing for Veterans Club, before Miroslaw Stefanczyk led part of the club to split off and form the Road Runners Motorcycle Club. It is believed that the name “Road Runners” was chosen as this was a brand of motorcycle tire used by many of the original members of the club.
Miro Stefanczyk and the Road Runners helped to establish an organization in Poland known as the Kongres Polskich Klubów Motocyklowych (Motorcycle Congress of Poland), which regulates Polish motorcycle clubs. The member clubs of the congress are as follows, however these change over time (in alphabetical order):
- Born To Ride MC
- Boruta MC
- Boxer MC
- No Name MC
- Rebels of Road MC
- Road Runners MC
- Steel Roses MC
Some of the former clubs in the congress include Gremium MC and Iron Elephant MC.
In 2005 the club decided to expand internationally, with a prospect chapter opening on 10 May in Chicago, Illinois, USA with many members having a Polish heritage, with their website also being mainly written in Polish. On 27 May, 2006 the prospect chapter were deemed successful during their probation period and were then officially taken in as a fully patched chapter of the Road Runners. This became the first official Road Runners chapter outside of Europe.
Road Runners Motorcycle Club Patch / Motto / Colors
Road Runners Motorcycle Club have a patch consisting of a motorcycle wheel with wings. The clubs colors are black and yellow/gold.

The patch has a similar look to that of the Hells Angels winged death head patch, as well as that of the Wheels of Soul Motorcycle Club patch of the flying spoked wheel. There is no evidence to suggest that any similarity to either the Hells Angels or Wheels of Soul patches is intentional.
The clubs supporter gear uses the phrase “Support 18”. The 18th letter of the alphabet is “R”.
Road Runners Motorcycle Club use the acronyms “RFFR” and “RRFFRR”, which stand for “Road Runners Forever, Forever Road Runners”, this format of acronym is used amongst almost all one percenter motorcycle clubs.
Road Runners Motorcycle Club Chapters
Although originally only a Polish club the Road Runners MC now have chapters based in multiple countries.
- Road Runners MC Austria
- Road Runners MC Nomads (Europe Nomads)
- Road Runners MC Belgium
- Support clubs only at the time of writing
- Road Runners MC Poland
- Road Runners Biala Podlaska chapter
- Road Runners Bialystok chapter
- Road Runners Bydgoszcz chapter
- Road Runners Katowice chapter
- Road Runners Kielce chapter
- Road Runners Krasnik chapter
- Road Runners Jaworzno chapter
- Road Runners Jedrzejow chapter
- Road Runners Lublin chapter
- Road Runners Mother chapter
- Road Runners Rzeszow chapter
- Road Runners South East chapter
- Road Runners Swidnica chapter
- Road Runners Warszawa chapter
- Road Runners Zabrze chapter
- Road Runners Zywiec chapter
- Road Runners MC USA (United States of America)
- Road Runners Chicago chapter (known as The Dirty Dozen)’

Famous Road Runners MC Members
Miroslaw “Miro” Stefanczyk – Club Founder / President

Born in 1953, Miroslaw Stefanczyk founded the Road Runners Motorcycle Club in 1978 and acted as their President for over two decades.
Known as “Miro”, he was extremely prominent in the Polish motorcycle scene.
He died of a heart attack in late 2005, age 52. His funeral was attended by motorcyclists from a large number of clubs.
Note: The following video clip discussing the life of Miroslaw Stefanczyk is not in English.
There are no known famous members of the Road Runners Motorcycle Club in a celebrity sense.
Road Runners MC Crime / In The Media
- 2006 – 16 December, 2006. Multiple members of the Road Runners are arrested by the Polish Centralne Biuro Śledcze (Central Bureau of Investigation) under suspicion that the club were a criminal organization and for their alleged involvement in an attack on a rival motorcycle club based in the Opole province of Poland. All but one of the men are then released in early 2007 (see below).
- 2006 – 30 December, 2006. One of those arrested on 16 December, Sebastian P., a 29 year old who was known to be generally very healthy and a competitive race car driver, complains to other inmates that he is experiencing stomach pains, a headache as well as suffering from vomiting and diarrhea. The inmates alerted staff at the facility who then allegedly took several hours to call an ambulance. He is taken in a comatose state to the hospital and can not be revived. The autopsy revealed that the cause of death was cerebral edema. Experts stated that this condition could have been brought on by poisoning from an unknown substance or a rapidly progressive, unknown disease.
Road Runners MC Books / Movies / TV
There are not known to be any books written specifically about the Road Runners Motorcycle Club.
Instead you may be interested in viewing our list of outlaw motorcycle club books.
The Road Runners are mentioned briefly in the below general books on outlaw motorcycle clubs.
The One Percenter Encyclopedia by Bill Hayes. View this book on Amazon (link opens in a new window).

Road Runners Motorcycle Club Enemies and Allies
Road Runners Motorcycle Club enemies:
- To be confirmed.
Road Runners Motorcycle Club allies:
- Devils Diciples MC (USA)
Road Runners have a number of support clubs:
Of note with these supporter clubs is the double “R” in their names. This is to symbolize their connection to the Road Runners MC.
- Adrrenalina MC Poland
- Brrave Knights MC Poland
- Daggerrs MC Poland
- Darrksiders MC Poland
- Taurrus MC Belgium
- Warrlocks MC Poland
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