Satudarah MC (Motorcycle Club)
Satudarah MC was founded in the town of Moordrecht, Netherlands in 1990 and like many other one percenter clubs has a reputation for violence. They have dozens of chapters spread throughout the world, with a focus on the Europe region.
Satudarah MC Maluku Members
Satudarah MC History
Satudarah MC was founded in the town of Moordrecht, Netherlands in 1990. The town is located in Southern Holland. The first members were immigrants or children of immigrants from the former Dutch possession Moluccas, now part of Indonesia. This helps to explain why the club also has the strong presence in South East Asia.
The term “satu darah” comes from the Indonesian and Malay languages and has a meaning of “one blood”. The theme of togetherness and being a family is very common amongst motorcycle clubs of this nature.
The one percenter club has a reputation for violence, more so than some other clubs.
One aspect that sets the motorcycle club apart from many others is that their membership rules allow people of any race into the club. A large proportion of the members are either Ambonese, Dutch or Surinamese.
The one percenter motorcycle club’s expansion has really only taken off in recent years, with dozens of new chapters opening across the world since 2012.
Satudarah MC Patch / Motto
The club logo is made up of 2 indian faces of different colours facing outward.
The club motto is “Black and Yellow Nation Worldwide”.
Satudarah MC Patch
Satudarah MC Chapters
The one percenter motorcycle club has a large number of chapters spread throughout the world, with a focus on the Europe region. The Netherlands has the largest presence, with dozens of chapters.
It is notable that they do not have any chapters currently listed as existing with the United States of America.
Below is the most up to date listing that we could find of their chapters. These lists change all the time, so it is likely that some of these may no longer exist, but also that there may be new chapters too, due to club expansion, that are not listed.
Satudarah MC Australia
- Brisbane
- Adelaide
- Sydney
- Northern NSW
Satudarah MC Belgium
- District 9
- Brabant
- Limburg
- Liege
- Hainaut
- Ardennes
- Lakeside
Satudarah MC Canada
- Toronto
Satudarah MC Curacao
- Curacao
Satudarah MC Denmark
- Northside
Satudarah MC France
- Reunion
- Riviera
Satudarah MC Indonesia
- Bali
- Bogor City
- Depok
- Eastgate
- Jakarta
- Midwest
- Sanur
- Southgate
Satudarah MC Malaysia
- Kuala Lumpur
- Victoria Isle
- Weststate
Satudarah MC Morocco
- Casa Blanca
- Agadir
Satudarah MC Netherlands
- Nationals
- Zwolle
- Midlands
- Syndicate
- Sixth
- Deventer
- Amersfoort
- Seaside
- Denbosch
- Highlands
- Riverside
- Dordrecht
- Groningen
- Southside
- Nijmegen
- Utrecht
- Amsterdam
- Stateline
- Westside
- Eindhoven
- Rotterdam 28
- Geleen
- Southboarder
- Central
- Eastside
- South Clan
- Southwest
- Northeast*
- Zevenaar
- West coast*
- Zaandam
- Maghreb*
- Eastborder*
- Den Haag*
- Southcentral
Satudarah MC Norway
- Stavanger
Satudarah MC Singapore
- Sinners
Satudarah MC Spain
- Southcoast
- Goldcoast
- Sevilla
- Westcoast
- Westzone
- Central
Satudarah MC Surinam
- Paramaribo
Satudarah MC Sweden
- Malmo
Satudarah MC Switzerland
- Swiss Azidi
Satudarah MC Thailand
- Death Valley
Satudarah MC Turkey
- Instanbul
Satudarah MC United States
- Central New York
- Northeast New York

Famous Satudarah MC Members
Ole Bonnesen – Former Hells Angel
Ole Bonnesen left the Hells Angels MC in 2013 to join the club after several decades with the Hells Angels. While a member of the club “Black Sheep MC”, who were prospecting to join the Hells Angels, he was convicted of taking part in the December 21st, 1985 murder of Anker Walther Marcus along with other members of the club. In the trial he claimed that this was self defence as Marcus had drawn a gun first.

Satudarah MC Crime / In The Media
2013 – November, 2013. The community of Gladsaxe, located near Copenhagen in Denmark attempted to shut down the local chapter’s clubhouse, with the reason given that the owner owed property taxes, which also resulted in water being shut off. The owner was able to pay off the back taxes and the forced sale of the property could no longer proceed. The club were then able to once again make use of the clubhouse.
2014 – February, 2014. Between the 22nd and 23rd of February, 2014, members from the club were in a fight with the rival club, the Hells Angels MC. The fight first started at a sports bar named “Lions and Barrels” and then continued in a nearby park, followed by a parking lot. One of the Satudarah Motorcycle Club members and two Hells Angels MC members were injured in the fight with stab wounds. There were also reports of gun fire, however no gun shot wounds were mentioned in the reports. The was noted to be one of the first main fights between the club and rival clubs in the country. A total of 28 people were arrested as a result of the fight.
Less than a week after this fight occurred it was reported that the club held a meeting with Hells Angels MC, also present were members of the Bandidos MC. It is believed the two clubs agreed on peace.

2016 – 11 January, 2016. Australia. Police in Australia advise that over the previous week they have arrested 4 senior members of the Satudarah Sydney chapter on charges including assault, possessing and supplying drugs, weapons and consorting. Included in the arrests was the Satudarah Sydney Chapter President. As part of the police operation they advise that on November 5, 2015, they raided and shut down the chapter’s clubhouse, which was located on Chapel Street in the suburb of South Bankstown, Sydney. Law enforcement believe that this will now be the end of the Sydney chapter. Police Strike Force Raptor, a task force who were established several years ago to disrupt the activities of outlaw motorcycle clubs, first identified Satudarah attempting to find a foothold in Australia in February 2015.
2016 – 27 January, 2016. The Finland National Bureau of Investigation announce that Satudarah are attempting to recruit members and form Satudarah Finland.
Satudarah MC Enemies and Allies
The club’s rapid expansion in the Europe region in particular has caused some tensions with the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club, resulting in multiple confrontations.
Bandidos MC have been listed as allies of the club on multiple occasions and also played a part in brokering a peace deal between the club and the Hells Angels MC after the February 2014 fight.
Read More:
- List of One Percenters Motorcycle Clubs
- Hells Angels Motorcycle Club
- Bandidos Motorcycle Club
- Highwaymen MC
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