Bandidos MC (Motorcycle Club)
The Bandidos Motorcycle Club are also known as the Bandido Nation and are one of the largest one percenter motorcycle clubs.
They are considered one of the Big 4 “outlaw motorcycle gangs” (OMCG) by the US Department of Justice, alongside Hells Angels MC, Pagan’s MC and Outlaws MC.
The Bandidos Motorcycle Club have hundreds of chapters spread throughout the world.

Bandidos Motorcycle Club Founding and History
The Bandidos Motorcycle Club was founded by Donald Chambers in 1966 in Houston, Texas.
Donald Eugene Chambers named the club the Bandidos based on the Mexican bandits and found the original members of the club in a number of biker bars of Houston, Corpus Christi, Galveston, and San Antonio.
The Bandidos MC Houston chapter became the Mother Chapter, after the second chapter was created in Southwest Houston.
The club expanded throughout the 1970’s and while mainly made up of white men, also allowed Hispanics to join.

Bandidos Motorcycle Club Logo
The Bandidos MC logo pays homage to the Mexican bandits, of which the founder Donald Chambers was a fan of.
The Bandidos MC colors of red and gold were chosen by the founder Donald Chambers because they were also used by the US Marine Corps, where he served during the Vietnam war era.
Bandidos Motorcycle Motto
The motto of Bandidos MC is “We are the people our parents warned us about”, which is quite self explanatory.
Bandidos MC also make use of the acronym of BFFB, which stands for Bandidos Forever, Forever Bandidos.

Bandidos Motorcycle Club Chapters
Bandidos MC have chapters spread throughout the world including the USA, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Asia.
According to the club, although there are chapters throughout the world, as of July 17th, 2006 the club was split and each of the regions (e.g.: Europe and Australia) now stands by themselves, although they still go by the name, colors and logo of the Bandidos Motorcycle Club. It is said that these changes took place as there were disagreements about the direction of the club including the values and traditions.
Bandidos MC Australia – The first chapter was founded in 1983 by former members of the rival gang the Comanchero MC in Sydney, including Anthony Snodgrass Spencer, who became the President.

Bandidos MC New Zealand – The first chapter was founded in 2012 in Christchurch.
Bandidos MC France and Europe – The first chapter was founded in Marseille in 1989. Several other chapters have been created throughout Europe.

Chapters are located in the following countries:
- Bandidos Australia
- Bandidos Belgium
- Bandidos Brunei
- Bandidos China (hang around chapter as of 2017)
- Bandidos Costa Rica
- Bandidos Denmark
- Bandidos England
- Bandidos Estonia
- Bandidos Finland
- Bandidos France
- Bandidos Germany
- Bandidos Greece
- Bandidos Holland
- Bandidos Indonesia
- Bandidos Ireland
- Bandidos Italy
- Bandidos Japan
- Bandidos Malaysia
- Bandidos New Zealand
- Bandidos Norway
- Bandidos Panama
- Bandidos Paraguay
- Bandidos Philippines
- Bandidos Russia
- Bandidos Scotland
- Bandidos Serbia
- Bandidos Singapore
- Bandidos Spain
- Bandidos Sweden
- Bandidos Thailand
- Bandidos Ukraine
- Bandidos United States of America
Bandidos Motorcycle Club Crime / In The Media
1983 – USA. A war breaks out with the Banshees Motorcycle Club in Texas after a Bandidos member is killed. Revenge bombings are planned, however although there is damage caused there are no serious injuries. 3 Bandidos turn witnesses and 23 members of the Bandidos are indicted.
1984 – Australia – The Milperra Massacre / Father’s Day Massacre
Soon after the first Australian chapter was founded by ex-Comanchero members, there was a bloody shootout in the Sydney suburb of Milperra with the Comanchero MC, who were led by Jock Ross. This shootout resulted in the death of a 14 year old girl, as well as 6 others and 28 injured. Their allies the Mobshitters MC were also at the event.
This event occurred on Sunday the 2nd of September 1984, which was Father’s Day in Australia, hence this event also being known as the Father’s Day Massacre.
View our full article on the Father’s Day Massacre.
1994 – Canada – The Quebec Biker War
The Quebec Biker War ran from 1994 until 2002 in Quebec, Canada. The war began when the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club tried to have a monopoly holding of the Quebec street drug market. On the Bandidos Motorcycle Club were other clubs including Rock Machine MC.
Over 160 people lost their lives over the period of the war, which also included the bombing of premises owned by various clubs.
The war only ended after extensive pressure was placed on the police and they finally took action and made dozens of arrests.
1994-1997 – From 1994 through to 1997 the Bandidos MC were heavily involved in the Great Nordic Biker War against the Hells Angels, which saw the Bandidos form an alliance with Outlaws MC.
2006 – 18 March, 2006. Just after 7pm Anthony Banesh is shot and killed in a sniper-style attack while walking with his girlfriend and two sons as they were leaving Saccone’s Pizza in Northwest Austin. He is shot once in the head, the bullet being shot from a considerable distance from a high power rifle. It is believed that Anthony Banesh was attempting to start a Texas chapter of the Hells Angels MC and had been seen on multiple occasions riding in the state in Hells Angels colors. It is unclear if Anthony Banesh had clearance from Hells Angels leadership before wearing the death-head patch.
2006 – April, 2006. 8 Bandidos from the Toronto chapter are murdered in an event that would be known in the media as the Shedden Massacre. It is later discovered that the killers were also Bandidos members.
2014 – 12 December, 2014. Bandidos MC Fort Worth Chapter President Howard Wayne Baker together with multiple other Bandidos head to the Gator’s Jam Inn, located in Fort Worth, Texas. Inside the bar are also members from Ghost Riders MC, Cossacks MC and Wino’s Crew MC. Several shots are fired, believed to be by the Bandidos, and Ghost Riders MC member Geoffrey Brady is killed. Howard Baker is charged with murder. On 9 June, 2017 Howard Baker is found guilty of murder, engaging in organised criminal activity and directing a street gang, although notably the prosecution were unable to prove whether or not he actually fired any of the shots himself so focus on the belief that he directed the group of Bandidos to enter the bar with the intention of showing dominance. Howard Baker is sentenced to 40 years for the murder and organised crime charges and 45 years for being a gang leader.
2015 – 17 May, 2015. Bandidos are involved in a shootout with the Cossacks MC at the Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas. 1 Bandido, 7 Cossacks and 1 other man are killed. The event would be known as the Waco Biker Shootout. There are 177 arrests made by law enforcement.
2016 – USA. 6 January, 2016. The Bandidos National President Jeff Pike was arrested at his home in Conroe and charged with racketeering, extortion, drug dealing and various other crimes, along with the Bandidos National Vice President John Portillo and National Sergeant-At-Arms Justin Forster. They all face sentences of up to life in prison. Bill Sartelle, known as “Big Deal”, takes over the role of Bandidos National President. This change in leadership is suspected to be the reason behind a number of disgruntled members leaving the Bandidos and forming the Kinfolk Motorcycle Club.
2017 – 2 March, 2017. Bandidos MC members Jesse James Benavides, Johnny Romo, Robert Romo and Norberto Serna are arrested and charged in relation to the 2006 killing of Anthony Banesh after he was attempting to set up a Texas chapter of the Hells Angels MC. All four of the men are named in a 12-count indictment which includes one count of discharging a gun during a murder in aid of racketeering. Johnny Romo and Robert Romo also receive a charge of murder in aid of racketeering charges.
2017 – 4 March, 2017. Kinfolk MC member Dusty Childress and another man are shot in Jones County, Texas. Dusty Childress dies from his injuries. Bandidos MC member Wesley Dale Mason is later charged for the murder.
2017 – 29 July, 2017. In Santa Fe, New Mexico, Vagos MC member David Andrew Cordova and his son David Ray Cordova fire over 20 shots from a car at a home of a Bandidos MC member. David Andrew Cordova is shot and injured in the arm during the incident, however it is not clear who fired the shot that hit him.
2017 – 30 July, 2017. Three members of the Bandidos MC and a support club member are shot at Mulligan’s Chopped Hog bar in East El Paso, Texas. Those shot are Bandidos El Paso Chapter President Juan Martinez, along with Ballardo Salcido, Juan Miguel Vega-Rivera and David Villalobos. On 2 August Kinfolk MC member Javier Gonzalez is arrested by police on aggravated assault charges relating to the shooting. On 3 August Bandidos Chapter President Juan Martinez dies from his injuries. Gozalez is later charged with Engaging in Criminal Activity and murder. He is held on a bond of $1 million. On 10 August Kinfolk member Manuel Gallegos is charged with Engaging in Criminal Activity and assault in connection with the event.
Famous Bandidos Motorcycle Club Members
See our full detailed article on Famous Bandidos MC Members.
Donald Chambers – Founder of the club
Donald Eugene Chambers is credited as founder of the Bandidos in 1966 in Houston, Texas. He was a Vietnam veteran who served in Vietnam. Later in 1972 he was convicted of two murders and served time until 1983 when he was released on parole. At the time of founding the Bandidos MC Donald Chambers was 36 years old and working on the docks.
Read our full article on Donald Eugene Chambers.

Ronald Jerome Hodge – National President
Ronald Jerome Hodge, also known as Ronnie Hodge, served as the National President for the Bandidos Motorcycle Club after the Donald Chambers went to prison for murder in 1972.
George Wegers – National President
National President from 1998 until 2005 when he was sent to prison.
Read our full article on George Wegers.
Jeff Pike – National President
Arrested on 6 January, 2016 for multiple crimes including racketeering, extortion and drug dealing along with the Bandidos National Vice President and National Sergeant-At-Arms.
Read our full article on Jeff Pike.

Bill Sartelle – National President
Bill “Big Deal” Sartelle became the Bandidos National President after the former National President Jeff Pike was arrested in early 2016. He left the role in 2017 and was replaced by Clifton Roberts.
Clifton “Dozer” Roberts – National President
Clifton Roberts became the Bandidos National President after Bill Sartelle left the role in early 2017.
Colin “Caesar” Campbell
Colin “Caesar” Campbell was one of the Comanchero MC members who left to help form the first Australian chapter of the Bandidos. He was also at the Milperra massacre mentioned earlier in this article. Caesar has gone on to write books including “Enforcer”, which covers the founding of the Bandidos in Australia. View this book on Amazon.

Bandidos MC Enemies / Allies
Bandidos MC allies:
- Mongols MC are allies.
- Satudarah MC are a known ally of the Bandidos and helped to broker peace in 2014 after a fight between Satudarah and the Hells Angels.
- Tri Dorogi MC (Russia) are allies.
Bandidos MC enemies:
- 69ers MC are enemies.
- Banshees MC are enemies.
- Cossacks MC are enemies.
- Hells Angels MC are enemies.
- Iron Order MC are enemies.
- Kinfolk MC are enemies.
- Night Wolves MC are enemies.
- Notorious MC are enemies.
Bandidos MC support clubs:
- Amigos MC
- Companeros MC
- Desperados MC
- Destralos MC
- Gray Ghosts MC
- Hermanos MC
- Hombres MC
- Ozark Riders MC
- Pistoleros MC
Bandidos Motorcycle Club Books / TV / Movies
Television – Bikie Wars: Brothers in Arms. In 2012 a tv series called Bikie Wars – Brothers in Arms was released in Australia. This show follows the rivalry between the Comanchero MC and Bandidos MC, ultimately leading to the 1984 Father’s Day Massacre (Milperra Massacre).

Bandidos Book – Brothers In Arms: Bikie Wars by Lindsay Simpson and Sandra Harvey.
The original book on which the television mini-series was based, covering the events surround the 1984 Father’s Day Massacre against the Comanchero MC. Personally we found the book much better than the tv series. Find out more on Amazon (link opens in a new tab).

Book – Enforcer by Colin Caesar Campbell.
This is a biography of Caesar Campbell. A large part of the book is spent detailing his time within Comanchero, the forming of the Bandidos, the Milperra Massacre and finally the aftermath. An excellent read. Find out more on Amazon (link opens in a new tab).

Bandidos Book – Out in Bad Standings: Inside The Bandidos Motorcycle Club – The Making Of A Worldwide Dynasty by Edward Winterhalder.
Edward Winterhalder was the Founder and President of the Oklahoma chapter of the Bandidos, but decided to leave the club in 2003 as he was not happy with the direction that they were heading. In 2003 George Wegers had just come in as the Bandidos International President and there are mentions in the book about the control that Wegers attempted to place over how each of the chapters was run. Edward Winterhalder’s status was changed to “Out in Bad Standings” by the Bandidos.
It is worth noting that paperback/hardback version of this book has been split into two parts for the Kindle, which just makes things confusing! View Part 1, View Part 2 (links open in a new tab).

Book – The Assimilation: Rock Machine Becomes Bandidos: Bikers United Against The Hells Angels by Edward Winterhalder and Wil De Clercq. Find out more on Amazon (link opens in a new tab).
Bandidos Book – The Fat Mexican: The Bloody Rise of the Bandidos Motorcycle Club by Alex Caine.
While there are no books specifically written about George Wegers, this following book details the rise of the Bandidos, written by Alex Caine who was able to infiltrate the club for 3 years. Find out more on Amazon (link opens in a new tab).

Read More:
- List of one percenter motorcycle clubs
- Anthony Snodgrass Spencer (Bandidos MC)
- Jeff Pike (Bandidos International President)
- Hells Angels MC
- Outlaws MC
- Comanchero MC
- Famous Hells Angels
- Famous Bandidos MC Members
- Rock Machine MC
- Jock Ross
- Outlaw Motorcycle Club Books
- Waco Biker Shooting
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