Famous Bandidos MC Members
Below we have listed some of the famous Bandidos MC one percenters from over the decades. There are many well known members of the Bandidos Motorcycle Club, so we have had to narrow the field and choose only the most famous Bandidos MC members.

Donald Chambers – Founder
Donald Eugene Chambers was the founder of the Bandidos Motorcycle Club, which gets him an entry on the list of the most famous Bandidos MC members.
Donald Chambers founded the Bandidos Motorcycle Club in 1966 in Houston, Texas, when he was 36 years of age and a dockworker at the time.
He was a service veteran, serving in Vietnam. Later in 1972 he was convicted of two murders and served time until 1983 when he was released on parole.
Read our full article on Donald Eugene Chambers.

Ronald Jerome Hodge – National President
Ronald Jerome Hodge, also known as Ronnie Hodge, served as the National President for the Bandidos Motorcycle Club after the Donald Chambers went to prison for murder in 1972.

Jeff Pike – Bandidos MC International President
The title of International President should be good enough to get you onto the list of famous Bandidos MC members.
The Bandidos MC International President is Jeff Pike, who took over the role in 2005 from George Wegers.
In 2006 there was a shootout which saw some Bandidos MC members turn on other chapters, some say that this may have been ordered by Jeff Pike.
On 6 January, 2016, the National President Jeff Pike was arrested at his home in Conroe and charged with racketeering, extortion, drug dealing and various other crimes, along with the Bandidos National Vice President and National Sergeant-At-Arms. They all face sentences of up to life in prison.
Read our full article on Jeff Pike.

George Wegers – International President (1998-2005)
Replaced Craig Johnston as El Presidente.
George Wegers held the role of Bandidos MC International President (El Presidente) from 1998 until 2005 when Jeff Pike took over.
George Wagers spent 20 months in jail after reaching a plea agreement when Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act charges were brought against a total of 26 members of the Bandidos Motorcycle Club.
He has now retired from the club, but continues to be an active motorcycle rider and advocate.
Read our full article on George Wegers.

James Lang – International President
A former Bandidos International President (El Presidente). Sent to prison on drugs charges.
Craig Johnston – International President
A former Bandidos International President (El Presidente) until 1998. Sent to prison on drugs charges. Replaced by George Wegers.
Anthony Snodgrass Spencer – Australian Founder
View our full article on Anthony Snodgrass Spencer.
Another of the famous Bandidos Motorcycle Club members is the member known as Snodgrass. Originally a member of the Sydney based chapters of the Comanchero MC, Anthony Snodgrass Spencer went for a trip to the USA and spoke with several members of the Bandidos MC. There was significant in-fighting at the time in the Australian Comanchero MC and Snodgrass Spencer noticed that the USA Bandidos MC members showed great signs of hospitality and brotherhood.
Snodgrass Spencer then gained permission from the Bandidos MC President in the USA to start a chapter within Australia. Much of these events are covered in the mini-series “Bikie Wars: Brothers in Arms”.

Anthony Snodgrass took his own life while awaiting trial over the events of the Miperra Massacre (Father’s Day Massacre) which occurred in 1984.

Colin “Caesar” Campbell – Author / Australian Founding Member
Caesar Campbell was one of the founding members of the first Bandidos MC Australian chapter.
Caesar Campbell was first a member of the Gladiators Motorcycle Club, before joining the Comanchero Motorcycle Club. He was one of a small group of members who left the Comanchero MC to form the first Australian chapter of the Bandidos Motorcycle Club after having disagreements about the direction of the Comanchero MC with the current President, William George “Jock” Ross.
While in the Bandidos MC he performed the role of Sergeant At Arms and later went on to write a book about his time in the motorcycle clubs which he titled “Enforcer”. See this book on Amazon. These claims to fame get him onto our listing of famous Bandidos MC members.
View our full article on Colin “Caesar” Campbell.

Read more:
- Bandidos Motorcycle Club
- Anthony Snodgrass Spencer
- Comanchero MC
- Famous Hells Angels
- List of One Percenter Motorcycle Clubs
- Famous Outlaws MC Members
- Jeff Pike (Bandidos International President)
- George Wegers (Former Bandidos International President)
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