Finks MC – Membership Rules
The following Finks Motorcycle Club rules were published by media outlets in 2012. While it is very difficult to confirm the accuracy of these rules, most appear in line with what is in place at other clubs.
(Revised 14-2-96)

Finks MC Committee
- To consist of four members from each chapter.
- No such names as President to be used.
Finks MC Nominees
- After doing one interstate run you must be nominated and seconded by members of the chapter you are to join.
- You must attend all meetings runs and functions during nomination period.
- You must have a road going cycle 650cc or over. No 2 strokes.
- You must receive 75 per cent majority vote to be considered a probationary members.
- After first away run they can be voted on for the “Australia” bottom rocker.
- No females.
- Minimum twelve month nominee period before voting on (but not necessarily ready).
- There is a twelve month trial period for probationary members before being voted on.
- Must ride and own British or American bikes.
Finks MC Tattoos
- Only full patch members may have club tattoos.
- No nominees or probation members may have any type of club tattoo.
Finks MC Members
- If a member moves to another chapter and is deemed to be living there he must transfer for that chapter’s colours and become a financial member. (Old colours to be sent back).
- If leave of absence is obtained your colours must be handed in to the club. Upon re-entry your colours will be returned.
- 15 years cut off period.
- After 15 years in the club you can suit yourself and keep your patch however voting privileges for run attendance and dues still applies.
Finks MC Voting Privileges
- Three major runs per year New South Wales – January, South Australia – Easter, Queensland – October.
- Three bike shows per year Queensland – February, New South Wales – July, South Australia – November
- Miss one major away run – Loss of voting privileges.
- Miss two major away runs – show cause to home chapter.
- Miss three major runs – Loss of membership.
- Current members to own and ride bikes.
- Three months no bike – loss of voting privileges.
- Six months no bike – loss of membership.
Finks MC Colours
- Colours always remain the property of the Finks MC and are rented to you by the club.
- Colours are not to be defaced in anyway, leave them as they are.
- “Australia” bottom rocker is part of the patch.
- Colours and all club paraphernalia will be retrieved upon leaving the club in any manner.
- Colours are not to be worn in cars etc.
Finks MC Meetings
- Each chapter to hold meetings fortnightly.
- Dues to be worked out by individual chapters.
- Secretary-Treasurer to bring up outstanding debts and voting privilege.
- Minutes from meetings to be forwarded to other chapters after each meeting.
- All matters discussed at meetings are Fink Business and no one else’s.
Finks MC Ex-members
- All chapters of the Finks MC must be notified before an ex members application for reinstatement to the club can be accepted.
- If you are turfed out that’s where you stay. No exemptions.
- Women are not to wear anything to do with the club T-shirts, arm-patches etc or told club business.
Finks MC Original patches
- Original patches not to be own by any other member than an original.
Duties of Secretary
- To take reports of meetings, runs, bike shows, parties etc and inform other chapters of what’s going on.
- Also forward minutes of each meeting to other chapters.
Duties of Treasurer
- To open a bank account and conduct all financial aspects of the chapter. Also give a financial statement at each meeting.
Duties of Sergeant of Arms
- To keep law and order by any means available at all meetings and all activities to do with the club.
Finks MC Committee
- Elected committee to report back to chapter for voting by all members on issues discussed.
Read More:
- Finks Motorcycle Club
- List of all One Percenter Motorcycle Club
- Famous Hells Angels
- Zulus Motorcycle Club
- Comanchero Motorcycle Club
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