Iron Horsemen MC (Motorcycle Club)
There is also an Iron Horsemen Motorcycle Club that was founded in 1969 and operates within Australia, however they are not related to the club discussed in this article.

Iron Horsemen MC History
The Iron Horsemen Motorcycle Club was founded in Cincinnati, Ohio in the mid-1960s.
No other details could be found about how the club was founding, or who the founding members were.
Iron Horsemen MC Patch / Motto / Colors
The Iron Horsemen Motorcycle Club patch consists of a horse head which has been fortified with metal plates, with coloured wings coming from the back of the head. The right eye contains a red iron cross.
References to “98” refer to the 9th and 8th letters of the alphabet, being “I” and “H”.
The Iron Horsemen motto is “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, if it weren’t for the Iron Horsemen, the highways would rust”.

Iron Horsemen MC Chapters
The Iron Horsemen have chapters spread over many of the United States, including the following:
- Iron Horsemen California
- Iron Horsemen Indiana
- Iron Horsemen Kansas
- Iron Horsemen Kentucky
- Iron Horsemen Maine
- Iron Horsemen Maryland
- Iron Horsemen Massachusetts
- Iron Horsemen New Jersey
- Iron Horsemen New York
- Iron Horsemen Pennsylvania
- Iron Horsemen Tennessee

Note: In the clubhouse photo above you can still see the black marks left from the February 2014 molotov cocktail that was thrown at the clubhouse. See the “Crime / In The Media” section below for further details.
Famous Iron Horsemen MC Members
While there are no famous members of the Iron Horsemen in a celebrity sense, there are some who have gained more media attention than others.
David Lee “Hooper” Richerson – Iron Horsemen National President
David Lee Richerson was the National President of the Iron Horsemen Motorcycle Club as at 2005. His current status is unknown. In October 2007 he was charged with misprision of felony.
Iron Horsemen MC Crime / In The Media
1989 – Shots are fired in a fight between Iron Horsemen, Outlaws MC, the Aeolas, and the Free Boarders at Vic’s Brew & Cue in Mount Carmel, Ohio. The International Vice President of the Outlaws Motorcycle Club, Kenneth Hammond, and a member of the Iron Horsemen Motorcycle Club are killed and 4 seriously injured in the shooting. There were reports that the week prior an assault had occurred on two members of the Outlaws by members of the Iron Horsemen.
2007 – October, 2007. Iron Horsemen National President David Lee Richerson receives a sentence of 21 months imprisonment after a guilty plea to misprision of felony. The original charge that he was facing was conspiracy to distribute more than 50 grams of methamphetamine between December 2003 and December 2005.
2008 – 26 June, 2008. Two members from the Iron Horsemen, Eddie Gene Whitlow and Ed Garner Wiggins are sentenced to 5 years in prison for conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine in West Kentucky during the period from December 2003 to December 2005. Each admitted he was personally responsible for the distribution of between 50 and 200 grams of meth.
2009 – May, 2009. Iron Horsemen Maine Chapter President Richard Szpyt, and members Sherwood Jordan and Ramon Dellosantos are both found guilty of conspiracy to possess and distribute marijuana and more than five kilograms of cocaine. They all received sentences of 10 years to life.
2010 – 18 September, 2010. Four people, including two police officers are shot in Camp Washington by members of the Iron Horsemen. The two police officers survived, however one member of the Iron Horsemen died in the shooting.
2013 – 14 February, 2013. Four members of the Iron Horsemen are arrested in Rochester, New York after a bar fight. William Heinrich, Dustin Harper, David Orbaker and Douglas Tallent are all charged with gang assault.
2014 – February, 2014. A member of the Detroit Highwaymen MC, Ricky Fields, throws a molotov cocktail at the Iron Horsemen clubhouse in Cincinnati.

2015 – 10 June, 2015. Iron Order MC involved in fight with the Iron Horsemen MC in Kentucky. One person struck by a vehicle.
Iron Horsemen MC Enemies and Allies
Iron Horsemen MC enemies:
Iron Horsemen MC allies:
- Phantom’s MC
- Brothers 8 (VIII) Motorcycle Club is an Iron Horsemen support club

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