Milperra Massacre (Father’s Day Massacre)
7 are killed, comprising of 6 bikers and an innocent civilian.

Milperra Massacre / Father’s Day Massacre – Leadup / Motive
Most of the Bandidos involved in the Milperra Massacre were former members of Comanchero MC. Comanchero had a single chapter, however tensions within the club saw several members break away to start a second chapter in Sydney while the original chapter set up clubhouse at 65 Harris Street, Harris Park, Sydney.
In 1982 the Comanchero MC Sydney City chapter was started by Anthony “Snodgrass” Spencer at 150 Louisa Street in Birchgrove, Sydney. This chapter was then later patched over by Bandidos MC, which in the process made the chapter members enemies of the Comanchero Motorcycle Club.
The move to change the chapter over to the Bandidos MC came after several of the chapter members were not satisfied with the leadership style and direction taken by their founder and Supreme Commander, Jock Ross.
On 10 August, 1984 Jock Ross (Comanchero Supreme Commander) and Anthony Snoddy Spencer (Bandidos MC President) spoke on the phone and war was declared. The clubhouse of the Comanchero was fortified and Bandidos MC clubhouse was armed.
Milperra Massacre / Father’s Day Massacre – Timeline of Events
The following event occur on Sunday 2 September, 1984:
On the morning of the swap meet a number of Bandidos members rode past the home of one the Comanchero Sergeant-At-Arms. The Comanchero members hold a meeting and decide to proceed with battle.
10:00am – The motorcycle swap meet begins at the Viking Tavern, located in Milperra, Sydney.

1:00pm – 19 members of Comanchero MC, led by their Supreme Commander Jock Ross, arrive at the Viking Tavern. Members of Comanchero MC notice that Mobshitters MC, another outlaw club, are outside the tavern. Jock Ross goes inside to the back of the tavern so that the Mobshitters members are not introduced into the conflict.
- Andrew Thomas
- Garry Annakin
- Glen Eaves
- Ian White
- Ivan Romcek
- James Morton
- John Bodt
- John Hennessey
- Kevork Tomasian
- Michael O’Keefe
- Phillip Jeschke
- Raymond Kucler
- Rick Lorenz
- Robert Heeney
- Robert Lane
- Scott Dive
- Terrence Parker
- Tony McCoy
- William “Jock” Ross
1:20pm – 34 members of Bandidos MC arrive at the tavern. By this time some Comanchero members believed that the Bandidos were not going to show, so they had spread across the carpark, some had also gone inside of the Viking Tavern.
- Anthony Spencer
- Bernard Podgorski
- Charlie Sciberras
- Colin Campbell (Caesar)
- Geoff Campbell
- George Kouratoras
- Gerard Parkes
- Graeme Wilkinson
- Grant Everest
- Greg Campbell
- Greg McElwaine
- James Posar
- John Campbell
- Lance Purdie
- Lance Wellington
- Lewis Cooper
- Mario Cianter
- Mark McElwaine
- Mark Shorthall
- Peter Melvine
- Phillip Campbell
- Phillip McElwaine
- Ray Denholm
- Rick Harris
- Rua Rophia
- Stephen Cowan
- Stephen Roberts
- Steve Hails
- Steve Owens
- Tom Denholm
- Tony Cain
- Tony Melville
- Vlado Grahovac
- William Littlewood
Weapons are handed out amongst the Bandidos members and they approach members of Comanchero MC. A verbal argument begins, however this soon escalates to shots being fired, with a full scale battle breaking out in the carpark of the Viking Tavern.
The fighting lasts for around 10 minutes.
Milperra Massacre / Father’s Day Massacre – Victims
A total of 7 people died in the Milperra Massacre, 4 members of Comanchero MC, 2 members of Bandidos MC and an innocent civilian. 28 others are injured.
- Leanne Walters – An innocent civilian, Leanne was aged only 14 at the time of her death and was caught in the crossfire, hit with a bullet from a .357 Magnum. She was a young motorcycle enthusiast and was attending the swap meet with a friend of her father’s. It is likely that the Father’s Day Massacre, and the trial that followed the event, would not have gained the same media attention and uproar in the community were it not for her death.

- Mario “Chop” Cianter – Bandidos MC Vice President. Shot twice in the chest and died on the scene.
- Gregory “Shadow” Campbell – Bandidos MC member. One of 6 Campbell brothers. Shot in the throat by a shotgun. Died quickly on the scene.
- Robert “Foggy / Foghorn” Lane – Comanchero MC Vice President.
- Phillip “Leroy” Jeschke – Comanchero MC Sergeant At Arms.
- Ivan “Sparra / Sparrow” Romcek – Comanchero MC member.
- Tony “Dog” McCoy – Comanchero MC member.
28 others are injured. Of the 28, 20 were sent to hospital.
Milperra Massacre / Father’s Day Massacre – Charges
43 people were initially charged with 7 counts of murder.
The trial lasted over a year, with 332 days of evidence, in a case which cost in the vicinity of $11 million. Bernard Podgorski, a former Secretary of the Bandidos turned witness for the state.
12 June, 1987 – The jury announce their verdicts. There are 63 murder convictions, 147 manslaughter convictions and 31 convictions of affray. Jock Ross, leader of the Comanchero, as mentioned as the main cause of the event.
- 21 are found guilty of manslaughter.
- 9 are found guilty of murder (these are later appealed and charges dropped to manslaughter in 1989).
Milperra Massacre / Father’s Day Massacre – Prison & Release
Jock Ross – Mentioned by the judge as being the main instigator in the event receives a sentence of life in prison. He is released in 1992 after serving 5 years and 3 months in prison as his conviction was downgraded to manslaughter and he also received good behaviour leniency. View our full article on Jock Ross.
John “Wack” Campbell – Bandidos MC member. John Campbell was one of 6 Campbell brothers. He died in jail in 1987 from complications related to the injuries he sustained in the Milperra fight.
Anthony “Snoddy / Snodgrass” Spencer – On April 28th, 1985, Anthony Snodgrass Spencer was found dead in his cell in Parklea Prison. He had hung himself. He was aged 30 at the time of his death.
Information retrieved from his diary and statements of others, indicate that he had a heavy feeling of guilt as his Bandidos MC brothers were failing in their bail applications, he felt as though he was responsible for them being in prison and not out with their families.
A story also came out from Anthony Spencer’s solicitor, Chris Murphy, that on the afternoon prior to his death he was in a meeting in the Parklea Prison with fellow Bandidos MC members and was late attending the clinic to pick up his prescribed sedatives, which helps him to relax and sleep. When the situation for being late was explained the pills were denied. It was that night that Anthony Snodgrass Spencer hung himself, it is possible that the pills could have saved his life, although impossible to confirm this.
Read our full article on Anthony Snodgrass Spencer.

Milperra Massacre / Father’s Day Massacre – Books / Media
- Book – Colin Caesar Campbell – Enforcer – (view on Amazon – link opens in a new tab). This book by the Bandidos MC Sergeant-At-Arms covers the events around the split of the Comanchero MC, forming of the Bandidos MC and the events at Milperra.

- TV/DVD – Bikie Wars: Brothers in Arms – A television mini-series was made that documented the events around the Milperra Massacre. This is now available on DVD (view on Amazon – links opens in new tab). The show has received criticism from people involved in the event, stating that parts of the storyline are false.

Read More
- List of One Percenter Motorcycle Clubs
- List of Outlaw Motorcycle Club Books
- List of Historic Outlaw Biker Events And Massacres
- Anthony Snodgrass Spencer
- Jock Ross
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