Mongols MC (Motorcycle Club)
The Mongols Motorcycle Club are also known by the names Mongol Nation and Mongol Brotherhood.

Mongols MC History
Mongols Motorcycle Club was founded in Montebello, California on December 5, 1969. The mother chapter had a total of 15 members. Most of the members were military veterans and all loved to ride their Harley Davidson motorcycles. The club’s name of the “Mongols” was inspired by Genghis Khan’s Mongol Empire.
Within 5 years the motorcycle club had expanded to create new Mongols chapters in Los Angeles (LA), San Diego (Dago), Bakersfield, Long Beach, San Gabriel Valley (SGV) and San Fernando Valley (SFV).
In October 2013 there was a national meeting of the Finks MC held in Australia. They agreed to patch over to Mongols MC, providing the Mongols a significant number of chapters within Australia. The vast majority of the Finks members patched over to the Mongols, however a few remained and continued on with the Finks MC name.
As at mid 2017 many of the European based chapters are no longer listed on the Mongols worldwide website.

Mongols MC Patch / Motto / Colors
The Mongols Motorcycle Club patch consists of a Harley Davidson motorcycle being ridden by a member of Ghengis Khan’s Mongol Empire.
The Mongols Motorcycle Club colors are black and white.
One of the abbreviations used by the club is “MFFM”, which stands for “Mongols Forever, Forever Mongols”. This style of abbreviation is very commonplace amongst outlaw motorcycle clubs.
Mongols MC Chapters
The Mongols Motorcycle Club has chapters throughout much of the United States particularly in California where they have dozens of chapters, as well as multiple chapters in countries including Australia, Germany and Thailand.
Keep in mind that chapters constantly change, so the list below should only be used as a guide, some of these may no longer be active and there may be others that are missing from this list of Mongols chapters.
- Mongols Australia Chapters
- Mongols Adelaide Chapter (South Australia)
- Mongols Blacktown Chapter (Sydney, New South Wales)
- Mongols Central Coast Chapter (New South Wales)
- Mongols Chinderah Chapter (New South Wales)
- Mongols Coffs Harbour Chapter (New South Wales)
- Mongols Gold Coast Chapter (Queensland)
- Mongols Harbour City Chapter (Sydney, New South Wales)
- Mongols Melbourne Chapter (Victoria)
- Mongols Nomads Chapter
- Mongols North Shore Chapter (Sydney, New South Wales)
- Mongols Perth Chapter (Western Australia)
- Mongols Riverina Chapter (New South Wales)
- Mongols Belgium Chapters
- Mongols Ardennes Chapter (update: July 2017 – no longer listed)
- Mongols Brazil Chapters
- Mongols Rio De Janeiro Chapter
- Mongols Canada Chapters
- Mongols Canada Chapter
- Mongols England Chapters
- Mongols Northside Chapter (update: July 2017 – no longer listed)
- Mongols France Chapters
- Mongols South Pacific Chapter (update: July 2017 – no longer listed)
- Mongols Germany Chapters
- Mongols Dark District Chapter
- Mongols Hamburg Chapter (Germany Mother Chapter)
- Mongols Nomads Chapter
- Mongols North Coast Chapter
- Mongols Northside Chapter
- Mongols Indonesia Chapters
- Mongols Bali Chapter
- Mongols Israel Chapters
- Mongols Holyland Chapter (Jerusalem) (update: July 2017 – no longer listed)
- Mongols Italy Chapters
- Mongols Bologna Chapter (update: July 2017 – no longer listed)
- Mongols Malaysia Chapters
- Mongols Kuala Lumpur Chapter
- Mongols Mexico Chapters
- Mongols Jalisco Chapter (California, Mexico)
- Mongols Singapore Chapters
- Mongols Lion City Chapter
- Mongols Sweden Chapters
- Mongols Stockholm Chapter (update: July 2017 – no longer listed)
- Mongols Switzerland Chapters
- Mongols Riverside Chapter
- Mongols Thailand Chapters
- Mongols Bangkok Chapter
- Mongols Chiang Mai Chapter
- Mongols Phrase City Chapter
- Mongols Siam City Chapter
- Mongols Southern Chapter Chapter
- Mongols St Samui Chapter
- Mongols USA Chapters
- Mongols Arizona
- Mongols Mesa Chapter
- Mongols Phoenix Chapter
- Mongols Arkansas
- Mongols Central Chapter
- Mongols California
- Mongols Alhambra Chapter
- Mongols Bell Gardens Chapter
- Mongols Berdoo Chapter (San Bernardino)
- Mongols Boyle Heights Chapter
- Mongols Commerce Chapter
- Mongols Covina Chapter
- Mongols Dago Chapter (San Diego)
- Mongols East LA Chapter (Los Angeles)
- Mongols East Whittier Chapter
- Mongols Fullerton Chapter
- Mongols Harbor Chapter (Los Angeles)
- Mongols High Desert Chapter (Lancaster)
- Mongols Hollywood Chapter
- Mongols La Habra Chapter
- Mongols La Mirada Chapter
- Mongols Long Beach Chapter
- Mongols Los Angeles Chapter
- Mongols Montebello Chapter
- Mongols Nomad Chapter
- Mongols Nor Cal Chapter (Northern California)
- Mongols Old South Bay Chapter (San Francisco)
- Mongols Orange County Chapter
- Mongols Paramount Chapter
- Mongols Pasadena Chapter
- Mongols Pico Chapter
- Mongols Pico Nomad Chapter
- Mongols Pomona Chapter
- Mongols Puente Chapter
- Mongols Riverside County Chapter
- Mongols Rosemead Chapter
- Mongols SFV Chapter (San Fernando Valley)
- Mongols SGV Chapter (San Gabriel Valley)
- Mongols San Jacinto Chapter
- Mongols Santa Fe Springs Chapter
- Mongols Sereno Chapter (El Sereno)
- Mongols Shasta County Chapter
- Mongols So Cal Chapter (Southern California)
- Mongols South Bay Chapter
- Mongols South Gate Chapter
- Mongols Temple City Chapter
- Mongols The Heights Chapter (Hacienda Heights)
- Mongols The Ville Chapter (Smartsville)
- Mongols Venice Chapter
- Mongols Ventura County Chapter
- Mongols West Coast Nomad Chapter (Pasadena)
- Mongols Whittier Chapter
- Mongols Colorado
- Mongols Denver Chapter
- Mongols Grand Jct Chapter (Grand Junction)
- Mongols Inner City Chapter (Denver)
- Mongols Mile High Chapter
- Mongols Florida
- Mongols Central Chapter
- Mongols Northside Chapter
- Mongols South End Chapter
- Mongols Montana
- Mongols Helena Chapter
- Mongols Nevada
- Mongols Las Vegas Chapter
- Mongols Reno Chapter
- Mongols New York
- Mongols Southside Chapter
- Mongols Oklahoma
- Mongols Creek County Chapter
- Mongols Neok Chapter
- Mongols Oklahoma City Chapter
- Mongols Shawnee Chapter
- Mongols Slaughterville Chapter
- Mongols Tulsa Chapter
- Mongols Oregon
- Mongols Albany Chapter
- Mongols Keizer Chapter
- Mongols Midvalley Chapter
- Mongols Millersburg Chapter
- Mongols Portland Chapter
- Mongols Salem Chapter
- Mongols Pennsylvania
- Mongols New Castle Chapter
- Mongols South Central Chapter
- Mongols Utah
- Mongols Crossroads Chapter
- Mongols Eastside Chapter
- Mongols Northend Chapter
- Mongols O-Town Chapter (Orem)
- Mongols Salt Lake City Chapter
- Mongols South Side Chapter
- Mongols South Ogden Chapter
- Mongols West Valley Chapter
- Mongols Virginia
- Mongols Virginia Beach Chapter
- Mongols Washington
- Mongols Vancouver Chapter
- Mongols Arizona
Famous Mongols MC Members
Ruben “Doc” Cavazos – Former National President / Government Informant
Ruben Cavazos was the Mongols National President for the USA but voted out of the club on August 30, 2008 as there were beliefs that he was stealing from the club and causing problems with the Mexican Mafia. On October 21, 2008 he was arrested along with dozens of other Mongols Motorcycle Club members as part of “Operation Rain”.
Ruben Cavazos plead guilty and stated that he “led a murdering, drug dealing criminal conspiracy called the Mongols Motorcycle Club” and that “the Mongols Registered Trademarks afforded a source of influence over the RICO enterprise that defendant admits he established, operated, controlled, conducted and participated in”.
Doc Cavazos was sentenced to 14 years in prison and is now in bad standing with the Mongols Motorcycle Club, along with his brother Al “The Suit” Cavazos and son Ruben “Lil Rubes” Cavazos Jnr.
View our full article on Ruben “Doc” Cavazos.

David Santillan – Mongols National President
David Santillan “Lil Dave” is the Mongols National President as at 2015.
He is interviewed in the following YouTube video:
Jesse Ventura – Former Governor, WWF Wrestler
Jesse “The Body” Ventura was active in the Mongols in the early 1970s. He held the role of Sergeant-At-Arms of the Dago chapter. Within the club he was known as “Superman” for his physique.
He has lived a highly interesting life spanning the Navy, Pro Wrestling, Acting, Politics and is now an Author.
View our full article on Jesse Ventura.

Mongols MC Crime / In The Media
1998 – USA. ATF agent William Queen infiltrates the Mongols and works his way up to become a chapter Vice President using the alias Billy St. John.
2000 – USA. April, 2000. Based on the information gathered by William Queen, law enforcement arrest 54 Mongols members and charge them with various crimes including drug trafficking, motorcycle theft, and conspiracy to commit murder.
2002 – USA. 27 April, 2002. During the Laughlin River Run motorcycle rally, Hells Angels MC members went to the Harrah’s Casino in Laughlin, Nevada to confront members of the Mongols who were said to be harassing sellers for Hells Angels merchandise. A fight broke out and Mongol Anthony “Bronson” Barrera was stabbed to death and two Hells Angels, Jeramie Bell and Robert Tumelty, were shot to death. Six Mongols members along with six Hells Angels members were convicted and sent to prison. 36 others had charges dropped. The event would be known in the media as the “River Run Riot“.
2008 – USA. 3 September, 2008. Mongols Motorcycle Club member Christopher Ablett stabs, shoots and kills Hells Angels San Francisco Chapter President Mark “Papa Frisco” Guardado outside a bar in the San Francisco Mission District. Ablett goes on the run for the shooting of Mark Guardado but later turns himself in to law enforcement. He is sentenced to life in prison for the murder.

2008 – USA. 21 October, 2008. Operation “Black Rain” sees 110 arrest warrants and 160 search warrants were issued in California, Ohio, Colorado, Nevada, Washington, and Oregon. Four members of the ATF had successfully infiltrated the Mongols Motorcycle Club and had become fully patched members. Mongols National President Ruben “Doc” Cavazos (mentioned further above in this article) is amongst those arrested.
2008 – USA. 23 October, 2008. US District Court Judge Florence-Marie Cooper granted an injunction that prohibits club members, their family members and associates from wearing, licensing, selling, or distributing the Mongols logo/patch of the Mongol riding a motorcycle.
2008 – USA. 20 December, 2008. Three Mongols members arrive at the “A Special Memories Wedding Chapel” in Las Vegas for a wedding. A Hells Angels MC wedding has just finished and the groups see each other. 13 members of the Hells Angels attack the Mongols group. The Hells Angels members are each charged with four counts of battery, three counts of battery with use of a deadly weapon, two counts of attempted murder with use of a deadly weapon, and one count each of assault with a deadly weapon, coercion with force and coercion with a deadly weapon.
2009 – USA. 27 July, 2009. Mongols members are planning a large gathering at the “Celebrate Downtown Lancaster” fair. Lancaster City Mayor decides to shut down the motel that the motorcycle club had booked, attempting to block the club from coming to the city. The Mayor stating that the Mongols “are engaged in domestic terrorism . . . and they kill our children”.
2010 – USA. 21 September, 2010. The Mongols win a long running case against the government, who were attempting to block them from using their club logo of the Mongol riding a motorcycle. The case had been open for approximately 2 years.
2014 – USA. 28 October, 2014. A Pomona, California SWAT officer, Shaun Diamond, is shot and killed by a member of the Mongols, David Martinez, while attempting to perform a raid on a property. He was wearing a ballistic vest but was believed to have been shot in the back of the head.
2015 – 25 July, 2015. Law enforcement from several agencies responded to the annual POW*MIA Awareness Rally in Bannock County, Idaho, after reports that there was going to be an altercation between Brother Speed MC and Mongols MC. The Bannock County Sheriff’s Office responded with the BearCat armored vehicle, the Southeast Idaho Special Tactics and Response team (STAR), the Bonneville County SWAT team and the Pocatello Police SWAT team.
2015 – USA. 16 September, 2015. Federal District Judge David O. Carter dismisses a case in California lodged by the government which was attempting to use civil forfeiture to laws to seize all rights to the Mongols emblems and patches and to forbid their members from wearing them.
2016 – 30 January, 2016. A fight breaks out at the National Western Complex in Denver, Colorado between the Iron Order MC and Mongols MC. Mongols member Victor Mendoza, known as “Nubs”, is shot and dies. Mongol Jared Chadwick, known as “Hercules” is also shot and badly wounded. The Iron Order claim that the shooting was self defence, as they also claimed in the 2014 shooting against the Black Pistons, of which the Florida State Attorney General refused to lay charges. The Mongols took a very unusual step for their club after this Iron Order Denver shooting, by holding a press conference to publicly announce that they do not believe this shooting was in self defence and that it was in fact a murder. Iron Order member Derrick “Kong” Duran is arrested at the venue following the murder and can be seen in video footage at the complex holding a pistol. As well as being a member of the motorcycle club Derrick Duran is also an employee of the Colorado Department of Corrections. Interestingly there is a decision made by Denver District Attorney Mitchell R. Morrissey not to prosecute Derrick Duran.
The following is from a statement by the Mongols attorney Stephen Stubbs after the Iron Order Denver shooting:
“Pulling a gun after one of your buddies pushes someone is not reasonable and cannot be self-defense … shooting an unarmed person that tries to disarm you, after you unlawfully brandish a gun, cannot be self-defense. Running to the top of the stairs, pointing a gun at the crowd below, and shooting an unarmed man that bravely tries to disarm you cannot be self-defense.”

2017 – 21 May, 2017. Joshua Herbert, believed to be with a status of “Out Bad” with the Mongols MC, exits his car at a gas station in Riverside, California where 3 Hells Angels MC members and two prospects were filling up. Joshua Herbert begins firing at the group of Hells Angels with a revolver, with multiple bullets hitting Hells Angels prospect James Duty, who later died in hospital. A second Hells Angels member was hit in the helmet, but not injured. On 21 June multiple law enforcement agencies executed search warrants at seven locations where they found several weapons and various Mongols insignia. James Duty is arrested and charged with murder, attempted murder, weapons violations, and gang enhancements with special circumstances.
2017 – 11 August, 2017. Colorado Motorcycle Expo, Incorporated, the organisers of the National Western Complex Colorado Expo event that ended with a fight between the Iron Order MC and the Mongols MC in January 2016, sue the Mongols Motorcycle Club claiming that they started the fight between the two clubs. The Expo organisation are seeking damages as well as court costs.
Mongols MC Enemies and Allies
Mongols MC enemies:
- Hells Angels MC are enemies.
- Iron Order MC are enemies.
- Solo Angeles Club de Motocicletas / Solo Angels MC are enemies.
Mongols MC allies:
- Bandidos MC are allies.
- Grave Diggers MC (Thailand) are a support club.
- Misfits MC are allies.
- Outlaws MC are allies.
- Pagans MC are allies.
- Raiders MC (official support club of the Mongols)
- Sons of Silence MC are allies.
- Vagos MC are allies.
Mongols Books:
Mongols Book – Under and Alone: The True Story of the Undercover Agent Who Infiltrated America’s Most Violent Outlaw Motorcycle Gang by William Queen.
The title pretty much says it all. In 1998, as part of his role in the ATF, William Queen was sent in to infiltrate the Mongols under the alias of Billy St. John. He was able to become a fully patched member and rise to the role of Treasurer where he gathered evidence against the club, resulting in 54 arrests in April, 2000.
Find out more on Amazon (link opens in a new tab).

Book – Out Bad by Donald Charles Davis (The Aging Rebel)
Covers the end of the ATF’s Operation Black Rain infiltration of the Mongols and the resulting corruption that occurred on the law enforcement side to try and make charges stick. Very well written by Donald Charles Davis, who may be best known as the founder of the highly respected Aging Rebel website. Find out more on Amazon.
Mongols MC Book – The Unknown Mongol by Scott Ereckson.
An autobiography covering Scott Ereckon’s life starting from a boy who dreamed of bikes and follows him through time in prison for murder and his troubled rise to the top of the food chain, where he became the Mongols National President. Both an informative and highly entertaining read. Find out more on Amazon (link opens in a new tab).

Mongols Book – Vagos, Mongols, and Outlaws: My Infiltration of America’s Deadliest Biker Gangs by Charles Falco and Kerrie Droban.
Charles Falco was a large scale methamphetamine dealer in 2001, reportedly earning $500,000 a year, when he was arrested by law enforcement and provided a deal by the ATF to infiltrate outlaw motorcycle clubs. First it was Vagos MC, where he rose to the role of “Officer” (second in charge) in the Victorville, California chapter. He later joined the Mongols and lastly the Outlaws where he became the Petersburg, Virginia Vice President. Find out more on Amazon (link opens in a new tab).

Read More:
- List of One Percenters Motorcycle Clubs
- Hells Angels Motorcycle Club
- Finks MC
- Iron Order MC
- River Run Riot
- Outlaw Motorcycle Club Books
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