Peckerwoods MC (Motorcycle Club)
There are multiple clubs who also use names including the word “Peckerwood”. These other clubs have no relation to the club discussed in this article. Connections between the Peckerwoods Motorcycle Club and Peckerwoods prison gangs are unknown.

Peckerwoods MC History
Peckerwoods Motorcycle Club was founded in Santee, California in 1978. The city of Santee is located in San Diego County.
The club are a whites only motorcycle club.
The term “Peckerwood” is often used as a derogatory term in the deep south of the USA in the early 20th century. It describes someone who is white, most likely poor and undereducated. The word is a reversal of the bird name “Wood Pecker”, of which a variety has red on the belly. The reversal, as can be seen in the Peckerwoods patch has the red on it’s neck, indicating it is a redneck.
Members of the Peckerwoods ride Harley Davidson motorcycles and have vests which often include patches of the iron cross and SS bolts.
Peckerwoods MC Patch / Motto / Colors
The Peckerwoods patch is made up of a woodpecker bird who has red on it’s neck/head area. The bird is wearing a leather vest, boots and looks as though it is going in to fight holding a piston.
The Peckerwoods motto is “We are everything you think we are”.
The Peckerwoods colors are blue and white.

Peckerwoods MC Chapters
The Peckerwoods Motorcycle Club have chapters throughout multiple states on the West Coast of the United States. They do not have any chapters internationally.
- Peckerwoods Arizona
- Peckerwoods California
- Peckerwoods Santee Chapter (Mother Chapter)
- Peckerwoods Lakeside Chapter
- Peckerwoods La Mesa Chapter
- Peckerwoods El Cajon Chapter
- Peckerwoods Nevada
- Peckerwoods Nomads
- Peckerwoods North County
Famous Peckerwoods MC Members
There are no famous members in the Peckerwoods Motorcycle Club in a celebrity sense.
Within the club, the Luetticke family, including brothers Ronald Luetticke and Randal Luetticke and son Randy Luetticke Junior, have played large roles in the club including Peckerwoods President and Vice President.
Peckerwoods MC Crime / In The Media
1998 – Black Marine Carlos Colbert is attacked by five men including Peckerwoods member Trenton Solis (age 18 at the time) and is paralyzed from the neck down.
2007 – 23 May, 2007. 14 members and associates of the Peckerwoods Motorcycle Club are arrested after the conclusion of an 11 month undercover investigation by the ATF which was titled “Operation Blue and White”. Undercover agents from the ATF purchased a firearm, meth, marijuana and pills including Vicodin, Oxycodone and Perocet from members and associates of Peckerwoods. Charges against the individuals include illegal possession of firearms, sales and distribution of narcotics, assault, burglary and possession of stolen property. The operation also included raids on several properties.
Those arrested as part of the operation were:
- Ronald Luetticke – Peckerwoods President
- Randal Leutticke – Peckerwoods Vice President (brother of Ronald Leutticke)
- Randy Luetticke Jnr – Peckerwoods Prospect
- Darrel Denniston – Peckerwoods Sgt-At-Arms
- Michaelle Denniston – Peckerwoods Associate
- Charles Anthony Giallombardo – Peckerwoods Treasurer
- Margaret Young – Peckerwoods Associate
- Shawn Davidson – Peckerwoods Secretary
- Jason Bradford – Peckerwoods Prospect
- Joseph Santos – Peckerwoods Prospect
- Michael Caviness – Peckerwoods Member
- Merle Williams – Peckerwoods Associate
- Dean Deluke – Peckerwoods Associate
- Adam Hamilton – Peckerwoods Associate
2012 – 14 May, 2012. Peckerwoods MC member Deron Jaffe is charged with four felony counts and five gang enhancements after a fight against two members of the Laffing Devils MC and an associate. The members of the Laffing Devils are not charged.
Peckerwoods MC Books / Movies / TV
Peckerwoods MC Book – Biker Gangs and Transnational Organized Crime by Thomas Barker. Learn more on Amazon (link opens in a new tab).

Peckerwoods MC Enemies and Allies
Peckerwoods MC enemies:
- To be confirmed.
Peckerwoods MC allies:
- To be confirmed.
Read More:
- List of One Percenters Motorcycle Clubs
- Warlocks MC (Pennsylvania)
- Zulus MC (blacks only)
- Phantoms MC
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