Abutre’s MC / Vultures (Motorcycle Club)
Note that there are also multiple clubs who have similar names who are unrelated to the club being discussed in this article:
- Vultures MC, based in Australia, from around the late 1960s who are believed to have patched over to Mobshitters MC in the 1970s.
- Road Vultures MC who were based around the Buffalo area, some of who patched over to the Hells Angels MC.
- Vultures MC, based in New Zealand.
Abutre’s MC History
Abutre’s MC, also known as Vulture’s MC is some English speaking countries, was founded in São Paulo, Brazil on 10 September, 1989.
As of 2016 the number of claimed members varies from 2000 to 8000.
The founders are known by the names China, Miltao, Reginaldo and Luizao.
Like many other outlaw motorcycle clubs they are heavily involved in charity work throughout parts of the year, having received recognition for their donations to helping children’s charities and those down on their luck.
Abutre’s MC Patch / Motto / Colors
There have been many variations of the Abutre’s Motorcycle Club patch since the club was founded, all based around the image of the vulture.
The vulture was chosen as the founders stated that they believe it represented freedom, boldness and was a sign of cunning.

Abutre’s MC motto is A.S.S.A, which stands for “Abutre’s Sempre, Sempre Abutre’s”, translating in English to along the lines of Vulture’s Forever, Forever Vulture’s. This branding can be seen on the external walls of their clubhouse, a picture of the clubhouse can be found further down in this article.
Abutre’s MC Chapters
Abutre’s MC first had chapters only in Brazil, however have since expanded into other countries.
- Abutre’s MC Argentina
- Abutre’s MC Brazil
- Abutre’s Acre Chapter
- Abutre’s Alagoas Chapter
- Abutre’s Amazonas Chapter
- Abutre’s Amapa Chapter
- Abutre’s Bahia Chapter
- Abutre’s Ceara Chapter
- Abutre’s Distrito Federal Chapter
- Abutre’s Espirito Santo Chapter
- Abutre’s Goias Chapter
- Abutre’s Maranhao Chapter
- Abutre’s Minas Gerais Chapter
- Abutre’s Mato Grosso Do Sul Chapter
- Abutre’s Mata Grosso Chapter
- Abutre’s Para Chapter
- Abutre’s Paraiba Chapter
- Abutre’s Pernambuco Chapter
- Abutre’s Piaui Chapter
- Abutre’s Parana Chapter
- Abutre’s Rio De Janeiro Chapter
- Abutre’s Rio Grande Do Norte Chapter
- Abutre’s Rondonia Chapter
- Abutre’s Roraima Chapter
- Abutre’s Rio Grande Do Sul Chapter
- Abutre’s Santa Catarina Chapter
- Abutre’s Sau Paulo Chapter (Mother Chapter)
- Abutre’s Sergipe Chapter
- Abutre’s Tocantins Chapter

- Abutre’s MC Japan
- Abutre’s MC Nomads
- Abutre’s MC Paraguay
- Abutre’s MC Portugal
- Abutre’s MC Spain
- Abutre’s Asturias Chapter
- Abutre’s Extramadura Chapter
- Abutre’s Galiza Chapter
- Abutre’s Madrid Chapter
- Abutre’s Murcia Chapter
- Abutre’s MC USA
Famous Abutre’s MC Members
There are no famous members in Abutre’s from a celebrity sense.
Abutre’s MC Crime / In The Media
Due to difficulties with language barriers, extensive details are unavailable.
2015 – 12 July, 2015. Shooting at a motorcycle event. Multiple Abutre’s members shot, with at least one dying.
Abutre’s MC Books / Movies / TV
No books could be found specifically about the Abutre’s Motorcycle Club.
Instead you may be interested in viewing our extensive list of outlaw motorcycle club books.
Abutre’s MC Enemies and Allies
Abutre’s MC enemies:
- To be confirmed.
Abutre’s MC allies:
- Cuervos MC
- In Omerta MC
- Outlaws MC
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