Black Pistons MC (Motorcycle Club)
The Black Pistons Motorcycle Club are well known as being a support club of the Outlaws MC. Facilities and other resources are sometimes shared between the clubs.

While they are technically not classified as a one percenter motorcycle club, they are often associated with one percenter activities and events.
Black Pistons MC History
The Black Pistons Motorcycle Club was founded in 2002 in Germany and acts as a support club for the Outlaws Motorcycle Club.
In March 2002 the Satan’s Syndicate Motorcycle Club, who were based in Ohio, USA are patched over by the Black Pistons, making them the first chapter in the USA.
In February 2003 The Brotherhood Motorcycle Club, who were based in Birmingham, UK are patched over by the Black Pistons, making them the first chapter in the UK.
The network of chapters quickly grew after these early starts, to the point where there are now chapters spread throughout the world.

Black Pistons MC Patch / Motto
The Black Pistons Motorcycle Club Patch consists of 2 pistons crossed.
Great similarities can be seen between the Black Pistons logo and that of the Outlaws MC logo. This shows the connection between the two clubs, with the Black Pistons Motorcycle Club acting as a support club for the Outlaws Motorcycle Club.

Black Pistons MC Chapters
The club operates generally in the same areas where there are chapters of the Outlaws MC, see our Outlaws MC Chapter List for more information on the Outlaws chapter locations.
These chapters extend through Australia, Belgium, Canada, England, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Scotland, Switzerland, the USA and Wales.
Famous Black Pistons MC Members
Michael “Griff” Griffin – A Black Pistons President who turned out to be an FBI undercover agent. See more in the Crime section below.
There are no other famous members of the Black Pistons Motorcycle Club in a celebrity sense.
Black Pistons MC Crime / In The Media
July, 2013 – Black Pistons President, Michael Griffin, known as “Griff” is found to be an undercover FBI agent for more than 2 years. An operation lays 6 indictments against 23 bikers in Clarke, Oconee and Madison as well as other counties throughout north Georgia. The charges were against the members Darren “Panhead” Lloyd, 48, Winfred “Outlaw Bubba” Turner, 61, James Brown, 41, Larry “Duke” Samples, 42, George “Hammer” Jordan, 45 and Dennis Riley, 35. All were said to be paid protection for drug deals, however these drug deals were actually made to undercover law enforcement officers.
June 26, 2014 – Black Pistons Motorcycle Club member Zachariah “Nas T” Tipton was shot and killed outside of the Nippers Beach Grille in Jacksonville Beach, Florida by a member of the Iron Order MC. What makes this case extremely interesting is that the Iron Order MC is known to be a motorcycle club made up mainly of police and other law enforcement officers.
Black Pistons MC Zach Tipton
May 3, 2015 – Black Pistons Motorcycle Club member Nicholas K. “Re-Re” Norris is shot and killed in Indianapolis by a man named Ron Stewart. Ron Stewart was following Norris and another rider for reasons unknown and then cut them off. After the riders yelled at Stewart for cutting them off, he pulled a handgun before setting off again. The riders then followed him and attacked Ron Stewarts car, at which point Stewart left the car and shot Norris in the back of the head.

Black Pistons MC Books
Twilight of the Outlaws by Donald Charles Davis.
The author Donald Charles Davis is better known on the Internet as the “Aging Rebel”. This book covers the killing of Black Pistons member Zachariah “Nas T” Tipton in 2014 (mentioned above in the Crime section), with a strong focus on the injustices that exist with modern day law enforcement. Find out more on Amazon (link opens in a new tab).

Black Pistons MC Enemies and Allies
- Iron Order MC are enemies.
- The Black Pistons Motorcycle Club are a support club of the Outlaws MC. With this deep connection between the club it could easily be said that enemies of the Outlaws MC are also enemies of the Black Pistons. These enemies would most notably include Hells Angels MC.

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