Iron Wings MC (Motorcycle Club)
The club discussed in this article were founded in Erie, Pennsylvania. There are multiple other clubs who also use the name of “Iron Wings”, they share no connections with this club.
Iron Wings MC History
Due to the small size of the club there are very few details available on their founding. The club was officially incorporated as “Iron Wings MC Inc” in mid-2010.
The club had an ongoing dispute with the local government in Erie, Pennsylvania in order to be granted rezoning approval for their clubhouse after the property was purchased in February 2012 for $34,000. This dispute lasted 3 years, at which point the rezoning was finally approved and the clubhouse established as a “private club”.
Iron Wings MC Patch / Motto / Colors
The Iron Wings patch consists of a skeleton riding a motorcycle, with a wing on each side.
The Iron Wings Motorcycle Club is often referred to as the 923, 9 referring to the letter “I” and 23 referring to the letter “W”.

Iron Wings MC Chapters
The Iron Wings Motorcycle Club are believed to have had up to as many of three chapters at one point, all based in Pennsylvania.

Famous Iron Wings MC Members
There are no famous members in Iron Wings MC, at least in a celebrity sense.
Iron Wings MC Crime / In The Media
2012 – 12 April, 2012. Michael Henry, also known as “Big Mike”, the Vice President of the Erie Iron Wings chapter is shot and killed in his home, with his 10 month old baby in the next room. He was 31 years of age. Michael Henry’s girlfriend, Rachel Kozloff, age 31, is later found guilty of the murder. She suspected that he was cheating on him. Rachel Kozloff is sentenced to 18 to 40 years in state prison.

2015 – 7th February, 2015. A fight breaks out in Erie, Pennsylvania near the Iron Wings MC clubhouse between members of the Iron Wings and Restless Souls MC, who also have a clubhouse based in Erie. Multiple shots are fired, with bats and knives also used in the fight. News accounts indicate that only a single man received assistance for his injuries, a 60 year old man who had head injuries after being hit with a bat.
Iron Wings MC Books / Movies / TV
There are no books available specifically about Iron Wings MC. Instead you may be interested in viewing our list of outlaw motorcycle club books.
Iron Wings MC Enemies and Allies
Iron Wings MC enemies:
- Restless Souls MC
- Lucky 13 MC
Iron Wings MC allies:
- Leader of Men RC (riding club).
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