Satan’s Choice MC (Motorcycle Club)
Satan’s Choice MC History
Satan’s Choice had existed as a club since the 1950s in Toronto, however they were not an outlaw motorcycle club until 1965. In 1965 four clubs came together to form Satan’s Choice Motorcycle Club. These clubs were the Canadian Lancers MC, Phantom Riders MC, Throttle Twisters MC and the Wild Ones MC.
Bernie Guindon would become the first President of Satan’s Choice, he previously had held the role of President in the Phantom Riders Motorcycle Club. In later years he would go on to become the National President of Satan’s Choice.
At one point in time during the late 1970s the Satan’s Choice Motorcycle Club was believed to be the largest outlaw motorcycle club in Canada, followed by the Popeyes Motorcycle Club (who were allies of, and later patched over by, the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club). At their largest they had around 200 members across 13 chapters in Ontario and Quebec.
In 1975 Satan’s Choice became allies of Outlaws MC, a move which would see the Hells Angels become enemies of Satan’s Choice.
In 1976 Satan’s Choice President Bernie Guindon was sent to prison, ultimately resulting in a number of the Satan’s Choice chapters patching over to the Outlaws MC in July, 1977.
With the chapters which were heavily allied with the Outlaws now patched out of the club this left an opportunity for Satan’s Choice to go in a different direction. President Andre Wattel decided that the remaining Satan’s Choice chapters would patch over to the Hells Angels, a move which was followed through on 29 December, 2000. Many other clubs in Ontario also patched over to the Hells Angels including Lobos MC, Loners MC and the Para-Dice Riders MC.
Satan’s Choice MC Patch / Motto / Colors
The Satan’s Choice Motorcycle Club patch is a depiction of Satan with flames seen throughout the patch.

Satan’s Choice MC Chapters
At their peak the motorcycle club had a number of chapters throughout Ontario and Quebec.
- Satan’s Choice Hamilton chapter
- Satan’s Choice Kingston chapter
- Satan’s Choice Milton chapter
- Satan’s Choice Montreal chapter (patched over to Outlaws MC in July 1977)
- Satan’s Choice Ottawa chapter (patched over to Outlaws MC in July 1977)
- Satan’s Choice St Catherines chapter (patched over to Outlaws MC in July 1977)
- Satan’s Choice Sudbury chapter
- Satan’s Choice Toronto chapter
- Satan’s Choice Thunder Bay chapter
- Satan’s Choice Windsor chapter (patched over to Outlaws MC in July 1977)
Famous Satan’s Choice MC Members
There are no famous members in Satan’s Choice MC in a celebrity sense.
Satan’s Choice MC Crime / In The Media
1967 – A Satan’s Choice clubhouse is raided by law enforcement during the club’s first annual convention. Seized during the raid are a sawed-off shotgun, a revolver, bats, brass knuckles, chains, knives, spiked belts and whips.
1970 – A war is started by the Satan’s Choice Toronto chapter against the Vagabonds MC and Black Diamond Riders MC.
1977 – August, 1977. Over 40 members and associates of Satan’s Choice are arrested. Police seize over $800,000 of speed, $100,000 in stolen property, nine pistols and eight rifles. There are 191 charges including drug trafficking, break and enter, possession of stolen property, possession of counterfeit money, possession of restricted guns, knives and swords.
1978 – 18 October, 1978. 6 members of Satan’s Choice are arrested and charged for the murder of Bill Matiyek at a bar in the town of Port Hope, located an hour out of Toronto. Bill Matiyek was the Sergeant-At-Arms of the Golden Hawks Motorcycle Club. By all accounts Bill Matiyek was the aggressor in the confrontation and believed to have been under the influence of multiple drugs at the time and had been waving a gun around.
- Gary Comeau (Nutty) – Convicted of 1st degree murder and given a life sentence (25 years). Released on parole after over 20 years in prison.
- Rick Sauve – Convicted of 1st degree murder and given a life sentence (25 years). Released on parole after over 20 years in prison.
- Jeff McLeod – Convicted of 2nd degree murder and given a 10 year sentence.
- Larry Hurren – Convicted of 2nd degree murder and given a 10 year sentence.
- Merv Blaker “Murray” – Convicted of 2nd degree murder and given a 10 year sentence.
- David Hoffman “Tee Hee” – Convicted of 2nd degree murder and given a 10 year sentence. This is later overturned and he is released after 4.5 years in prison.
- Armand Sanguigni – Found not guilty.
- Gordon Van Harlem – Found not guilty.
1983 – Police raid a lab in Mandoc, Ontario and seize chemicals used in the production of methamphetamine, enough to make an estimated $3.6million of the drug. Members of Satan’s Choice MC and Para-Dice Riders MC are arrested as part of the operation.
1992 – 5 September, 1992. Multiple members of Satan’s Choice go to the Sorrento on the Kingsway in Sudbury where they locate members of the Black Diamond Riders Motorcycle Club at which point they attack them with clubs, knives, fists, boots and a handgun. 8 people are taken to hospital after the attack, including one member of the Black Diamond Riders who had been shot in the abdomen. In a twist to the case one warrant went unserved until 2009, 17 years after the attack, when John Vasilantonakis was picked up by police and the old warrant for assault was discovered.
1995 – 1 August, 1995. The front door of the Satan’s Choice Toronto clubhouse on Kintyre Avenue is blown off. It is believed that a handheld rocket launcher was used in the attack.
1996 – 15 December, 1996. A bomb explodes at the Sudbury Police Station, creating a significant hole in the wall. Later on as part of “Operation Dismantle” the police arrest and inteview Satan’s Choice member Jimmy Rich. He confesses that the bombing was part of the initiation of the Hamilton chapter. 6 members including Johnny K-9, Gary Noble are arrested in relation to the bombing. One possible motive for the attack on the police station was that club members had been earlier thrown out of a strip club by police after refusing to remove their colors, which was a requirement as the strip club had a no colors policy.
1998 – 16 April, 1998. Police raid the Hamilton chapter clubhouse, located on Lottridge Street, Hamilton, Ontario. Although they find no illegal weapons, drugs or other items they are able to seize items including a pool table and surveillance equipment as part of the proceeds of crime legislation.
Satan’s Choice MC Books / Movies / TV
Documentary – Satan’s Choice. This 30 minute documentary from 1965 (note: 1965 according to the Internet Movie Database, although the title of this YouTube clip says 1966) takes a look at the outlaw motorcycle club in the 1960s. Note that this is a low quality copy, however is still definitely worth watching as it is completely free.
Unrepentant: The Strange and (Sometimes) Terrible Life of Lorne Campbell, Satan’s Choice and Hells Angels Biker by Lorne Campbell.
Lorne Campbell joined the Satan’s Choice Motorcycle Club at the age of 17 and stayed a member for 46 years. He was one of the members of the Satan’s Choice members present at the 1978 shooting of Bill Matiyek, although not convicted. The book is filled with many short stories starting from his abusive childhood through to joining the outlaw motorcycle club scene and finally leaving the Hells Angels MC in good standing in 2011 after over 4 decades with Satan’s Choice and later the Hells Angels. Find out more on Amazon (link opens in a new tab).

Satan’s Choice MC Enemies and Allies
Satan’s Choice MC enemies:
- Black Diamond Riders MC
- Hells Angels MC (although the club later patched over to them)
- Popeyes MC
- Vagabonds MC
Satan’s Choice MC allies:
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