The Jury MC (Motorcycle Club)
The Jury Motorcycle Club History
The Jury Motorcycle Club were founded in the Hudson Falls area of New York in 1969.
The request to incorporate “The Jury Motorcycle Club, INC” was submitted on 6 July, 1973.
The clubhouse is known as “The Tank”, a name which stems from the fact that it is a former oil tank which has been converted into a clubhouse. In the photo below you can just see the motorcycle which permanently sits on top of the oil tank. The motorcycle assists with understanding the significant size of the oil tank. It is understood that the tank was purchased in the mid 1970s from an oil company, before being converted.
The Tank is one of the most unique clubhouses of any outlaw motorcycle club that we are aware of.
The Jury Motorcycle Club Patch / Motto / Colors
The Jury Motorcycle Club patch features a human left hand holding the scales of justice. On one of the gold scale pans is the “1%” emblem, indicating that they are a one percenter motorcycle club. On the other side of the scales sitting on the gold pan is a badge with a screw emblazoned on the front.
Jury Motorcycle Club use the colors of black and gold.

The Jury MC website contains the following verse:
“I sought my soul, but my soul, I could not see. I sought my god, but my god eluded me. I sought my brother, and I found all three. JMC.”
The Jury Motorcycle Club Chapters
The Jury Motorcycle Club are based in New York, they are not known to have chapters in other states or based internationally.
Headquarters of the club are located on Route 196 just outside of Hudson Falls, New York.

Famous The Jury MC Members
There are no famous members of The Jury Motorcycle Club, at least in a celebrity sense.
The Jury MC Crime / In The Media
2010 – 12 April, 2010. Queensbury resident Michael Benway is abducted as part of an alleged act of retribution after stealing 11 pounds of marijuana from The Jury Motorcycle Club associate Scott M. Thorpe, a known major drug trafficker who was arrested in a federal drug case in 1997. The theft of the 11 pounds of marijuana was said to have occurred approximately 10 years before the kidnapping. Michael Benway was tied up, beaten, threatened with a gun and knife and forced to inject himself with drugs in an effort to make his death look like a drug overdose suicide. He was also forced to write a suicide note. The drugs did not have the desired effect and as he was being transported in a vehicle he was able to escape.
The Post-Star newspaper connected the crime to the Jury Motorcycle Club, alluding that the 11 pounds of marijuana may have been taken from the club. The Jury MC President Alun Reeks, along with Treasurer Greg Jeskie spoke to the media to make it clear that the accused, Scott Thorpe, was purely just an associate of the club, who had visited the club only “3 or 4 times” over a number of years and that the club plays no part in the distribution of marijuana.
The Jury MC Books / Movies / TV
There are no books that we are aware of that make mention of The Jury Motorcycle Club.
The Jury Motorcycle Club Enemies and Allies
The Jury Motorcycle Club enemies:
- To be confirmed.
The Jury Motorcycle Club allies:
- 69ers MC
- Leathernecks MC
Read More:
- List of One Percenters Motorcycle Clubs
- Outlaw Motorcycle Club Books
- Outlaw Motorcycle Club Court Records
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