Free Souls MC (Motorcycle Club)

Free Souls MC History
Free Souls Motorcycle Club was founded in Eugene, Oregon in 1968 by a group of men who loved to ride their Harley Davidson motorcycles.
The motorcycle club’s mother chapter and their clubhouse is still based in Eugene.
Other details about the history of the club, including the founding are sketchy at best.

Free Souls MC Patch / Motto
The Free Souls Motorcycle Club patch consists of the Ankh (an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic) which is meant to represent the concept of life. This symbol sits on top of a motorcycle wheel, which appears to be sitting on the front of a motorcycle, as motorcycle handlebars can be seen at the top of the wheel.
Free Souls Motorcycle Club colors are blue and white.
Free Souls MC Chapters
The mother chapter of the Free Souls Motorcycle Club is based in Eugene, Oregon.
While most of the motorcycle club’s activity is based in Oregon, they do also have a presence in Washington, Europe and Australia.

Famous Free Souls MC Members
There are no members of the Free Souls Motorcycle Club who would be deemed as “famous”.
Free Souls MC Crime / In The Media
1980 – March, 1980. Free Souls MC President Bob Johnson states that the club are not involved in the manufacture and distribution of drugs after 4 members of the Free Souls are arrested with drug charges.
1980 – May 11, 1980. The Vice President of the Free Souls Motorcycle Club Eugene chapter, Mark Lesley Johnson, aged 27, is shot to death. The shooter, who was found by police only 2 hours after the shooting. was not part of the club, or part of any rival club.
1989 – September 1989. The Free Souls MC Clubhouse in Eugene, Oregon, catches fire. Approximately $10,000 of damage is done to the building and around $15,000 damage to other contents. The fire was said to have been an accident caused by rags which were soaked in oil as part of a renovation project.
2006 – March, 2006. The Free Souls Motorcycle Club Washington clubhouse is raided by law enforcement, including a SWAT team who were looking for 3 suspects, including a onetime club member David Ambrose, who was suspected in the 1999 beating murder of Ronald McComb. There were 4 people arrested in the raid and meth was seized.
2007 – 2 May, 2007. Three members of the Free Souls Motorcycle Club are arrested on drug and theft charges after raids on homes conducted by the ATF and local police. The raids found ten stolen motorcycles, guns, meth, marijuana and hashish oil.
2010 – March, 2010. Members of Free Souls Motorcycle Club and Gypsy Jokers MC were meeting in Salem, Oregon, when they noticed that an SUV parked in a neighbouring house was on fire. The members quickly turned on hoses, alerted the house owners and waited for the fire department to arrive. Their actions quite possibly saved the house from going up in flames.

Free Souls MC Enemies and Allies
- Gypsy Joker MC are allies of Free Souls Motorcycle Club.
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